
6 Types of Love

February 14th: the day of chocolates, paper hearts, and flowers. However, this day is about much more than just Cupid and conversation hearts—it’s a celebration of love, a deep emotion that we experience in many different relationships in our lives. Here are quotes from the BYU Speeches archive on love in its many forms.

Love in Marriage

“When we as Latter-day Saints talk about marriage we are talking about a holy celestial order. We are talking about a system out of which can grow the greatest love, joy, peace, happiness, and serenity known to humankind.”
—Bruce R. McConkie, “Celestial Marriage”

Love in Families

“The Father and His Son have set the example of how we as family members should love one another. We need to be willing to sacrifice for one another. God sending His Son to atone for our sins is a manifestation of His love for us.”
—Earlene Durrant, “Love—A Manifestation From God”

Love One Another

“True love blooms when we care more about another person than we care about ourselves. That is Christ’s great atoning example for us, and it ought to be more evident in the kindness we show, the respect we give, and the selflessness and courtesy we employ in our personal relationships.”
—Jeffrey R. Holland, “How Do I Love Thee?”


“Love for self; a deep, abiding peace; and knowing who you really are come from only one source—from God. Knowing you are loved and knowing true peace are invaluable. Anything else in the world pales by comparison. Knowing that Heavenly Father truly loves us and trusting that it is vital to Heavenly Father that we come home to him are some of the greatest motivators that we can have to give us the genuine desire to be true to him. With reverence for self based on God’s love, we will reject the temptations that otherwise would draw us to the pride of the world. . . .”

“Acceptance of self based on God’s love is real. This true reverence for self is deep, filled with gratitude and peace, and is ever-present even in the face of life’s most difficult trials. As each person is as precious in his sight as the other, each one has ready access to honest, lasting, real self-acceptance.”
—Barbara Day Lockhart, “One Being Is as Precious in His Sight as the Other”

Charity: The Pure Love of Christ

“Christlike love helps us overcome our natural fear of others. We may fear difference; we may worry about being hurt or slighted. But Christlike love is a love beyond fear. It reaches across the divide of difference. It is in our nature to serve our own interests or the interests of those closest to us. But charity takes us beyond our comfort zone. Suddenly we are less worried about whether others will approve of us. Our concern flows toward them regardless of their feelings for us.”
—Marilyn S. Bateman, “Love Changes Everything”

God’s Love for Us

“When others’ needs start to matter more than our own, and when others’ successes are more exciting to us than our own, we are beginning to experience the kind of love that our Father in Heaven and our Savior have for us. It is a love without dimension. It has no boundaries, no limitations. It is pure. It is infinite. It is eternal.”
—Russell T. Osguthorpe, “What If Love Were Our Only Motive?”

Our Love for God

“God’s love is pure. True love as described by the prophets is deep devotion, affection, adoration, mercy, forgiveness, service, grace, gratitude, and kindness. Real love motivates us to be the best we can be. It is the most powerful force on the earth and can bring great joy and happiness. Pure love is a gift from God and is at the very foundation of His gospel. While God’s love for us is perfect, our love for Him is constantly being redefined as we learn, grow, and experience.”
—Cheryl C. Lant, “God’s Love”

Real love motivates us to be the best we can be. -Cheryl C. Lant (designed quote)


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