Lawrence C. Walters
Lawrence C. Walters is the Stewart L. Grow Professor of Public Management in the BYU Marriott School of Management’s Romney Institute of Public Management. He was born and raised in California, where he joined the Church as a senior in high school.
Professor Walters received his bachelor’s degree from BYU in public policy analysis and his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in public policy and management. He joined the BYU faculty in 1985. He has taught at George Mason University and has been a visiting faculty member at Xiamen University in China and at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He has also served as a visiting fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Currently serving as a member of the Utah State Tax Review Commission, he has been called on by both U.S. and international organizations to advise governments around the world regarding tax policy and urban public finance.
In addition to a number of publications on local government tax issues, Professor Walters has published work on environmental management, education finance, productivity analysis, and policy analysis theory and practice.
He enjoys hiking, camping, and the mountains. He currently serves as a bishop in a young single adult ward. He and his wife, Carol, have seven children and ten grandchildren.