Time for the Savior at Christmas
By following the prophet's invitation to make time for the Savior daily, we can experience the special spirit of Christmastime year-round.
A Message at Christmas
Elder D. Todd Christofferson reminds us to remember the majestic and redeeming Savior—but also remember the humble baby in a manger this Christmas.
Fear Not
Lloyd D. Newell teaches that in order to overcome fear we must have hope, develop love, turn to God, and trust Him.
Christmas and Christ’s Invitation to Become as a Little Child: What Manner of Child Ought We to Be?
This Christmas season may we all care more for the child of God within us and bend to the exigencies of life and finances less.
A Child Is Born
This Christmas, contemplate what it means that "a child is born" who is your Savior. How can you live to bear witness of His role in your life?
Christ the Savior Is Born
This Christmas, we remember not only on the implications that a Savior was born, but also the implications that He died—for us.
Christmas Gifts—Latter-day Saint Style
Elder Pinnock delivers Christmas "gifts" at BYU, consisting of 12 adages and stories to inspire students and faculty alike to become more like Christ.
The Gift That Matters Most
We are responsible to learn of and become witnesses of Jesus Christ. As we do, we positively influence our posterity and those around us.
Gifts of Love
This Christmas, remember the best gifts are given when the giver feels for the receiver, gives freely, and counts the sacrifice as a bargain.
“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”
The fruits of a Christlike life are loving, serving, and giving. May we all strive to better emulate Him this Christmas season.
Christmas Lessons
This Christmas, Marion D. Hanks shares important lessons about overcoming adversity, and about the intense love, justice, and mercy of God.
Thoughts at Christmastime
Let us reflect on our love for and faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. We must remember His importance at all times of the year.
A Wholesome, Hallowed, Gracious Christmas
May your Christmas be a wholesome, hallowed, and gracious one. Fill the season with love for the Savior and love for your neighbor.
The Real Christmas
If you desire to find the true spirit of Christmas and partake of the sweetness of it, find time to turn your heart to God.
The Magic Spirit of Christmas
The spirit of Christmas is the desire to serve and give to others, a desire that comes from knowing we are children of God.
The Spirit of Christmas
Thomas Monson shares a few touching experiences that demonstrate the true meaning and spirit of Christmas, which we should all seek to have in our hearts.
Keeping Christmas
Gifts, traditions, lights—these are wonderful aspects of Christmas, but don't let them overshadow the true focus, our Savior Jesus Christ.
“What Shall I Do Then With Jesus Which Is Called Christ?”
This Christmas season, ask yourselves, "How does my testimony of Jesus Christ influence my beliefs, my actions, and the way I treat others?"