A Safe Place
Communication is the key to all successful relationships. Learn to listen and to create a safe place for conversation by being considerate of others.
The Academic Anableps
Being an academic anablap, being able to use spiritual insights in academic work, allows people to address scholarly issues with dual vision.
Learning from Our Conflicts
Gerald R. Williams shares three stories that illustrate how others have learned from their conflicts. It is important for us to do the same.
Words of Hate, Words of Love
Words, the power of language, are among the greatest gifts. I pray we can use words for our edification and bless the lives of others.
He Hears and Answers
God hears and answers prayers. As we strengthen our relationship with God, we will pray more naturally and more easily submit to God's will.
Nobody Wants to Play with a Broken Toy: The Social World of Children with Language Impairment
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What We Believe
Robert L. Millet shares his experiences answering the most common, but often most difficult questions on what Latter-day Saints believe.
Hand in Hand: Breaking Barriers
The text for this speech is unavailable. Please see our FAQ page for more information.
“Taking Sweet Counsel”
To improve our eternal relationships, we must take sweet counsel from the Lord in prayer and with others in councils.
The Contemplation of Beauty: An Avenue to Communication with the Lord
One of the prevailing and enduring challenges that man faces during his sojourn on this earth is how he can learn to effectively communicate with God. How can man open the channels of communication? How does God reveal Himself to man? What can man do to receive assurance that God is aware of man’s existence and his problems? Questions such as these have been asked by men throughout the ages,…
Communications—The Ultimate Power
Thank you, President Oaks. This is a far cry from the old College Hall, where we used to have our devotionals when I attempted to attend this institution. I am deeply honored to be asked to occupy this brief time with you this morning. Truly there is no spot on earth with more significance for me than this campus, and there’s no group of people for whom I have greater…
How to Write an Anti-Mormon Book
Learn how authors of anti-Mormon materials use specific strategies to convince readers of their trustworthiness, knowledge, and lack of bias.