Illuminating Your Place in God’s Masterpiece
Just as stained glass reflects light, we can reflect the light of Christ, which can illuminate where we need to be in God's masterpiece.
Eternal Belonging and Becoming
Though we may lack worldly achievements, we always belong because God sees us for who we truly are as children of God who are becoming more.
Rise to Your Divine Identity, Purpose, and Destiny
In our life, both now, before, and after earth, we must discover our divine identity, purpose, and destiny.
Developing Eyes to See
To become the BYU of prophecy, we must have eyes to see the world through a gospel lens, see others as God does, and see our divine identity.
Endowed with His Power, You Are Ready to Lead
To fulfill our purpose, we must understand our divine potential, keep our covenants to gain covenantal power, and become perfected in Christ.
Six Things I Believe
There are six important things we can believe to help us develop our divine potential and complete our unique missions.
Beautiful Babies Blessing the World
God doesn't use big battalions of soldiers to accomplish His purposes; He sends beautiful babies who go on to bless the world.
Spiritual Creation
As children of the Creator, we are all intentional spiritual creations. We create our own stories with the help of an editor, Jesus Christ.
Choices for Eternity: Prophetic Counsel
Expanding on the prophetic counsel of President Russell M. Nelson, Kevin J Worthen teaches how to choose our own destinies.
Faith in the Lord, Faith in Ourselves
Developing faith in ourselves requires us to trust in the Lord as well as have faith in His great plan and our part in it.
A Certain Idea of BYU
Justin Collings shares six things we should seek in order to come unto the Savior and fulfill BYU’s divine destiny as a school in Zion.
The Dignity and Demeanor of Discipleship
Rebecca L. Craven explores what the dignity and demeanor of discipleship look like. Standing as a witness of God means standing out.
Finding Your Purpose
Each of us, with all of our talents and abilities, has a place and purpose in this world. As we work and pray, the Lord will help us see what we can be.
Knowing Who You Are
President Worthen reminds us that we are defined by more than our grades, our major, or our social status. We are, most importantly, children of God.
Finding Your Place in the Universe
Amid competition and comparison, finding our place in the universe can seem impossible. Remembering our divine potential is key.
Women and Education: “A Future Only God Could See for You”
Education is not just preparation for the workforce. It is part of reaching our eternal spiritual potential as men and women.
“Lay Hold upon the Word”: The Power of Wholehearted Living
When we truly lay hold upon the word of God, believing it and committing to it, we open ourselves up to the life-changing power He has in store for us.
The Light of the Y
By cultivating the light of Christ within us as well as our own unique talents, we can be the lower lights to bring others to the Savior.
God Will Use You, God Will Bless You
God will use us to build His kingdom, and He will bless us in ways we cannot comprehend.
Who You Are and the Things You Do
President Worthen advises BYU graduates to model their actions on their divine identity and thus realize their potential to have a great impact on others.
Becoming What Our Heavenly Father Wants Us to Be
Terry R. Seamons, president of the BYU Alumni Association of the time, encourages graduates to focus on becoming what our Heavenly Father wants them to be.
To Do and To Be
Russell M. Nelson urges BYU graduates to become all that the Lord wants and needs them to be by developing Christlike attributes.
Be the Vision
How can the students of BYU live up to the vision that Alfred Kelly had so many years ago? Commencement speaker Ryan Barrett explains.
Be Excellent: Becoming Who You Are in Today’s World
In order to become excellent, we must engage, seek absence, be full of awe, be selfless, and be compassionate.
Commemorating Your Divine Potential
BYU August 2014 Commencement. Graduation is about celebrating potential. Success in the next phases of life will be measured by what you become.
Becoming a Work of Art
Like a piece of raw marble in the hands of a masterful artist, we each have the potential to become a work of art in the hands of the Lord.
“I the Lord Am with You”
Commencement marks a new beginning. As you leave with your diploma, set high goals and trust the Lord to carry you through uncharted water.
In the Race of Life: Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
BYU graduates are urged to prepare for a life of service; to get ready, get set, and go! While remembering to assist other students.
Metamorphosis and Accountability: A Guide for the Future
Today is a celebration of the marvelous metamorphosis that has occurred in each of us.
Live Your Life with Purpose
Janie Penfield teaches that we must live our lives with purpose: determine your purpose, determine your course, stay on course.
Created in the “Image and Likeness of God”: Apprentices in the Master’s Workshop
We were created in God’s image. To reach our divine potential and become like Him, we must come to know him and act accordingly.
Our Eternal Education
Using relatable analogies, Professor Nancy Wentworth explores the roles of students and teachers in education at school and in education for eternity.
Our Identity and Our Destiny
We are the literal spirit children of God. We have a divine identity and our destiny is to be exalted and become like Him.
Celebrations and Memories
President Samuelson shares memories of his parents to show how celebrations like these create legacies of hard work and family support for generations.
Little Worlds
There are many microcosms, or little worlds, that mirror our larger existence. BYU is a little world that teaches valuable life lessons.
“Hold the Banner High”
April 2012 Commencement - As a graduate of Brigham Young University, you hold a mark, or banner, to represent yourself, BYU, and the Church.
We Were the Greatest Generation
My generation was dubbed "the greatest generation." Though your "great depressions" and "world wars" will be different, I think that honor can be yours.
What Is Your Calling in Life?
What is your calling in life? Jeffrey A. Thompson instructs his audience how to seek the Lord's help in finding their individual life's purpose.
Hold Tight to the Iron Rod
As we hold fast to the iron rod, through righteous and humble obedience, we can taste the sweet joy of the Atonement that God is anxious for us to enjoy.
“Act Well Thy Part”
You will need to serve many different roles as students, employees, family members, friends, and Church members, but "where'er thou art, act well thy part."
Your Future
There are many aspects of the future that we can't control. However, we do have power over the things of utmost importance - relationships and covenants.
The Cycle of Becoming
God is more interested in who we are becoming than in who we once were. This speaker encourages us to evaluate our progress in life as we move forward.
Becoming and Overcoming
Carol Wilkinson teaches listeners how to overcome the adversities of life as she shares personal experiences from her own life.
True greatness is not found in lofty titles or high salaries, but in being a good husband or wife, father or mother, friend and neighbor.
Realizing our Potential
J. Craig McIlroy tells graduates that realizing our potential means we must take advantage of the opportunities and challenges that come our way.
Seeing Through the Generations
Looking through the generations, back to our ancestors and forward to our descendants, we find an enhanced perspective of who we are and who we can become.
“Understand Who You Are”
Robert C. Oaks teaches that we have all been blessed with both temporal and spiritual gifts which allow us to understand our identity.
“Your Work Is Not Yet Finished”
Each one of us is here on earth for a reason, and as we seek to fulfill our purpose, the Lord will show how we are part of His great work.
You Were Born to Lead, You Were Born for Glory
The last days are not for the faint of heart or the spiritually out of shape. The gospel's power will help us persevere and lead.
Seeing as Far as Forever
So let us remember that from the vantage point of a roof and a tall tree, our perspective is to look as far as forever and set goals that will not just help us through the week but will lead us on into eternity.
Achieving Your Full Potential
You will not succeed in achieving your full potential without strict adherence to God's commandments. Be honest with yourself about how you need to improve.
Becoming You
These years of your life are a time to plant seeds that you will later be grateful to harvest. Heed the counsel of prophets on your journey to becoming you.
Light the Fire Within
What a delight to be here. I have a very fond place in my heart for this wonderful institution and for all of the great work that is accomplished here. Thank you for joining me this morning. I would like to recognize my wife, Jennifer, with me here on the stand. She is my angel. I am also delighted to have my parents and children here. On February 17, 2002,…
A Divine Nature and Destiny
We have a divine nature and destiny, which includes sacred roles to fulfill. The most important of those roles are fatherhood and motherhood.
The Crucibles of Eternal Identity
Self-knowledge of our eternal identity is essential in the journey to overcome the crucibles of this life and fulfill our potential.
We Believe in You!
As hard as it may be to avoid the "Devil’s Throat"—the tricky, slippery pitfall of sin—we believe in your integrity, morality, and potential.
To See as We Are Seen
We often see ourselves “through a glass darkly,” but we can sharpen our view to gain an eternal perspective of our divine potential.
Change: It’s Always a Possibility!
Change is an inevitable and sometimes difficult part of life. We can get the power to change, or to cope with it, from the Savior.
Reaching Our Potential in the Lord’s Way
Unlike developing technology, we each have agency. As we submit to God's will, we can become one with His purpose.
Some Thoughts about Butterflies, Replenishment, Environmentalism, and Ownership
Ownership of BYU falls to each of its students. Like the small effort of butterflies that can have drastic effects, you can make a difference here.
Come unto Christ
If we come unto Christ, His Atonement will make us clean and spotless. We can go home to live with God again, our deepest desire.
Filling the Measure of Your Creation
God has a unique plan and a purpose for each of us, His creation. Finding and fulfilling that purpose will bring us wonderful peace.
A Message to Our Granddaughters
With an eternal perspective, God will help you—our granddaughters, and all women—fulfill your divine missions in the family, the Church, and the world.
Meekly Drenched in Destiny
Meekness does not oppose boldness. It means to speak up without speaking down. It means to depend upon the Lord. It means to become like the Savior.
To the Lonely and Misunderstood
Life may seem unfair and unsatisfactory to the lonely and misunderstood, but purpose can be found through faith, repentance, obedience, and service.
On Feeling Inferior
Paul H. Dunn explains that "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." If you know your worth, you can succeed.
Developing a Personal Relationship with the Savior
Through personal examples, George W. Pace explains ways we can develop a relationship with the Savior, such as prayer and ordinances.
Hello, in There
We may not often see ourselves as eternal beings, but we were valiant in the premortal life and can work miracles in mortality.
The Highest in Us
Latter-day Saints believe that we can become like God. Knowing our own divinity can help shape our lives now and into the eternities.
We Believe in God, the Eternal Father
We believe in God, the Eternal Father of our Spirits. That belief is the foundation of our religion, our purpose in life, and our destiny.
God Is the Gardener
God is the gardener of our lives. When we put our life in harmony with His will, we will be able to become what we are meant to be.
Be What You Will to Be
You have a divine nature and destiny, and you also have the agency and will to decide whether you will become all you can be.
Earning Your Own Heritage
Florence S. Jacobsen advises young people to think now about the legacy they want to leave. You can make decisions now, she says, to earn your own heritage.
Kings and Priests
Through the story of John, a man squandering his time on earth, we are encouraged to embrace our identity as potential kings and queens —as children of God.
Lamanite Prophecies Fulfilled
The Native American population, or "Indians," descendants of the Lamanite people, are displaying their immense potential, as foretold in the scriptures.
Man and What He May Become
Man is so much more than we can comprehend, as evidenced not only by religious tenet but also scientific inquiry. He is the offspring of God!
The Worth of Souls
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. He is interested in each member of the Church and their needs, potential, and talents.
Discover and Actualize Your Potential Self
Your soul is as powerful as the atomic weapons which our age fears. As you discover your divine potential, you will be able to actualize it.
Four Cornerstones upon Which to Build Greatness
We build greatness are faith, education, industry, and cooperation. John A. Widtsoe explains that each cornerstone must be understood through a gospel lens.