Three Gates to Open
To achieve exaltation, we must open the gate of preparation, the gate of performance, and the gate of service on our life's journey.
How to Get to Heaven
To get to heaven, we must live righteously as we strive to be obedient, faithful, and covenant keeping. We must "finish the race."
Be Worthy of Celestial Exaltation
In order to attain celestial exaltation, teaches Bernard P. Brockbank, we must know God, love Him, obey Him, and listen for His protecting voice.
“Heaven Doesn’t Matter”
Channing Pollock recently wrote that without family, heaven doesn't matter. How grateful we are to know of the eternal duration of marriage and family.
Temples: Avenues to Exaltation
God has restored temples to the earth. The ordinances of exaltation within lead to the redemption of the living and salvation of the dead.
The Blessings of Eternal Glory
To receive the blessings of eternal glory that we are each striving for, we need to honestly evaluate our lives and whether they are in harmony with the commandments of God.