Making Strong Families a National Priority
Two-parent homes are a privilege. Making strong families a national priority will improve children's lives and reduce poverty and inequality.
Choosing God’s Best Blessings: Family
The greatest gifts from God come from the Abrahamic covenant and the new and everlasting covenant: the blessings of families.
Mammon or Marriage?
While many search for happiness through financial or career success, being married and having a family increases overall happiness more.
Gathering in Divine Communities
The gathering of Israel happens in communities: families, religious congregations, and BYU. Each community helps us become more like God.
Choosing Christ’s Light Burden
All choices bring burdens. Aligning our choices with Christ, with His Church, and with His Apostles is the light burden.
My Mother Theresa
The text of this speech is unavailable. For a summary of the speech, please see https://news.byu.edu/intellect/forum-my-mother-theresa.
Designed for Covenant Relationships
Entering into covenant relationships while we are on earth helps us to experience the truest intimacy—the perfect love the Father has for us.
“This Is My Day of Opportunity”
Trials help build character, draw strength from covenants and ordinances, and deepen family relationships. This is our day of opportunity.
Of Dead Cats and Dead People: How Family History Can Save the World
Family history is more than finding dates and names. It is building relationships with the past and connecting their legacy to our own lives.
What Do You Envision in Life?
Family and marriage are essential to true joy. Have a vision for and prioritize marriage and family in your own life.
Disciples of Jesus Christ—Defenders of Marriage
Family life will be your most enduring reward. Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ will be called upon as defenders of marriage and family.
Marriage, Family Law, and the Temple
In a world where family ideals gravitate toward convenience, Elder Hafen reminds us of the order of marriage taught in the Lord's temples.
Finding Sanctuary
We can find personal sanctuary in counseling with the Lord, in our church meetings, in the temple, and in our relationships with others.
On the Moral Purposes of Law and Government
As we move into a secular age, we cannot overlook the importance of government's moral purposes, which include the protection of life and family.
Faith, Family, and Friendship
The power of faith, family, and friendship can help develop a testimony and bring about happiness and peace.
Protect Our Homes, Renew Our Powers
Moroni prepared for physical war, but we must protect our homes against the moral war of dangerous influences by making our homes sacred.
Adoption: A Gift of Life, a Gift of Love
I will tell you about some of my own experiences with adoption and adoption in this country and in the Church, and finally I will speak about adoption as it pertains to all of us as the seed of Abraham.
Faith and Families
Marriage and the choice to raise children require increasing faith, but the mortal and eternal blessings of families are well worth it.
We Have Everything
After losing a home and all their possessions—twice—this family learned that as long as you have family, friends, and the gospel, you have everything.
Make God and His Kingdom the Center of Your Life
As we increasingly love God and His kingdom and make them our primary focus, we will find that all of the "compartments" of our lives are blessed.
“Lay Hold upon Every Good Thing”
We can navigate a changing world by laying hold on "every good thing:" eternal family, personal purity, and learning by study and faith.
Keep the Chain Unbroken
Life is a great chain of generations that we in the Church believe must be linked together. Never permit yourself to become a weak link in the chain.
Defending the Family
“Great works, including great families, require commitment to something greater than ourselves.”
Some of BYU’s Responses to “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”
BYU’s response to the “The Family” proclamation includes classes, research, and majors that help students prepare for their future families.
“Because He First Loved Us”
Nothing can be more important to teach our children than love. We must exemplify love in our family relationships and teach them about the love of God.
The Eternal Family
When we know that the marriage and family have eternal purposes, we are more motivated to treat those relationships with care.
The Family
The Family: A Proclamation to the World declares the importance of family in our journey to, and enjoyment of, eternal life.
Upon Your Heads
Truman Madsen tells graduates about the many hats they will wear in life. Whatever hats you wear, God will shower blessings upon your head.
Family relationships are precious. We should tell our families we love them, help them feel safe, and emulate scriptural examples.
“Rejoice in Christ Jesus, and Have No Confidence in the Flesh”
As we choose to follow the Savior, and have no confidence in the contrary messages of the world, we will understand our great potential in His eternal plan.
“That Our Children May Know”
It is each of our responsibility to preserve generational testimony by teaching truth to our children and strengthening our families.
Roots and Branches
Hartman Rector Jr. teaches that it is our responsibility to fulfill Malachi's promise and turn hearts to their roots and branches.
“Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother”
As we honor our parents through righteous and respectful living, we feel of their love and receive blessings from following their counsel.
Family Home Storage
Home storage is more than food storage or financial preparedness. Your spirituality and family relationships are all the home storage you can take with you.
Kinship, Religion, and the Transformation of Society
Nonindustrial peoples rely on societal kinship, while industrial people rely on contractual relationships. Religion helps us return to a foundation of genealogy.
Family Perspectives
Breakdown in communities cannot be solved without addressing the breakdown of the family. The message of the prophets is to look homeward.
Sealing Power and Salvation
Joseph Fielding Smith is awarded for his work in genealogy. He speaks about the central role of the sealing power in our quest for salvation.
Spiritual Ecology
Elder Neal A. Maxwell teaches that chastity and family love are key components to healthy individual, family, and community spiritual ecology.
Nurturing a Family in the Gospel
The text for this speech is unavailable. Please see our FAQ page for more information.
How You Can Best Honor Your Parents
The best way to honor your parents is to always keep yourself pure and honorable so that they don't have to worry about you.
Building An Eternal Home
An eternal home is one where eternal covenants are made and kept. Strive for a temple marriage, and treasure your spouse and children.
Mutuality: Ideals of Family Living
The happiest and healthiest families have the principle of mutuality; parents and children help one another in a balance of work, teaching, and good fun.
A Latter-day Saint Home
Elder Richards admonishes young members of the Church to make decisions now that will help them create a united Latter-day Saint home.
How Do We Teach Reverence?
As parents, teachers, and leaders, let us teach our children and our congregations to be reverent during sacred meetings and ordinances.
Avoiding Diseases of Character
Elder Clark examines some of the common diseases that plague men's characters and shows that Christ gives spiritual healing.