Becoming New Creatures
BYU is unique in that as we incorporate the gospel into our learning and teaching we will receive promised blessings.
Lifelong Conversion
Dale G. Renlund explains that lifelong conversion comes through determination to repeat the elements of the doctrine of Christ.
Quinoa and Olive Trees: Strengthening the Lord’s Vineyard
Rick Jellen uses his research on quinoa growth to discuss the allegory of the olive trees and the growing need for diversity in the Church.
There Must Needs Be a Christ
Kyle S. McKay shares why we need to embrace the plan of God and the doctrine of Christ; Christ can undo wrongs and provide healing.
Harry Potter and the Five Gospel Truths
Brigitte Madrian speaks of five gospel truths that have been reinforced to her when exploring the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
Can You Hear the Music?
Elder Uchtdorf instructs that when we strive to incorporate the music of the Spirit into our daily lives, we receive favor from heaven.
The Rock of Our Redeemer
Jesus Christ is our rock, our sure foundation. If we build on Him, no matter the shafts in the whirlwind, we cannot fail.
The Doctrine of Christ: Our Daily Walk
The doctrine of Christ is simple, yet beautiful. Faith, repentance, ordinances, and the Holy Ghost should be part of our daily lives.
Spiritual Thoughts in the Classroom
Professor Brau discusses how he has always shared spiritual thoughts in his classroom, helping students feel the Spirit even while learning finance.
Follow the Doctrine and Gospel of Christ
The doctrine and gospel of Christ is simple: faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. It anchors us to God.
The Sure Foundation
Much more important than the foundations of the physical buildings we inhabit are the spiritual and covenantal foundations of our lives.
Scholarship and Faith
Our scholarship informs and deepens our faith, even if we can’t see how. Blessings come as we combine the scientific and the spiritual.
Gospel Gifts
Gospel gifts typify the Savior and can be given to us by God or others. It is our responsibility to receive and keep them with gratitude.
The Simple Truths from Heaven—The Lord’s Pattern
The Lord has given many simple truths to help us pattern our lives. Acting on these truths will put us in a position to receive eternal, promised blessings.
An Unexpected Gift
For young Larry EchoHawk, a testimony of the Book of Mormon was an unexpected gift that continued to yield blessings throughout his life.
“A Wonderful Flood of Light”
The restoration brought about a "wonderful flood of light" regarding the family, Fall, and Atonement of Christ—but do we live in that light?
Come Joyfully and Partake of the Gospel Feast
Just as we must nourish our bodies daily with healthful foods, we must also nourish our spirits with the feast that the gospel offers.
We Have Everything
After losing a home and all their possessions—twice—this family learned that as long as you have family, friends, and the gospel, you have everything.
Practicality of Gospel Principles
Practical gospel principles may seem like little things, but when done faithfully, they bring great power to our lives.
Thoughts on Competition and the Gospel
Phillip J. Bryson shares thoughts on competition within the context of the gospel. We compete against our past selves with the Savior's help.
The Doctrine of Christ
Robert H. Daines exhorts us to establish priorities, repent daily, renew our covenants, serve selflessly, and study the doctrine of Christ.
The Arts, the Sciences, and the Light of the Gospel
Daniel J. Fairbanks teaches how we can find the light of the gospel within art and science by sharing experiences and creating a sculpture.
What We Believe
Robert L. Millet shares his experiences answering the most common, but often most difficult questions on what Latter-day Saints believe.
The Inexhaustible Gospel
The gospel is inexhaustible because there is not only so much for us to know, but there is also so much for us to become.
Keeping the Gospel Simple
The gospel is "simply beautiful and beautifully simple." Understanding the simplicity of the first gospel principles helps us to live righteously.
Great Answers to the Great Question
Through the witness of the Book of Mormon and prophetic revelation, the gospel offers great answers to age-old questions of the soul.
A Return to Full Belief in God
George P. Lee calls for an individual and worldwide return to full belief in God and His gospel, as opposed to half-believing and counterfeit faith.
The Gospel
The gospel of Jesus Christ, at its center, is simple. Because of Christ's atonement, we can and must repent and learn to become more like our Father.
“This Is the Way; and There Is None Other Way”
Christ is the only way to eternal life. To become like Him, we must keep His commandments. We need good friends and to be a good friend.
Shakespeare and the Gospel
Arthur Henry King points to classic passages of Shakespeare's work to show that Shakespeare and the gospel share some important themes in common.
Gospel Concepts
As we base our behavior on gospel concepts, we will find that our lives are much richer than those that are founded in the faulty concepts of men.
All Are Alike unto God
Elder McConkie testifies that the revelation extending priesthood blessings to those of all nations and races is divine and that "all are alike unto God."
“If Thou Wilt Be Perfect, . . . Come and Follow Me”
Constant study of the gospel will help you in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be guided by the Spirit in following the Savior.
How to Get Your Own Plan of Salvation
Though the plan of salvation is universal, it is also extremely personal. Each of us must follow our own path of repentance, covenant-making, and obedience.
Exemplary Manhood Award
As he receives the Exemplary Manhood Award, President Joseph Fielding Smith takes a moment to speak about the importance of the work of the gospel.
Science Fiction and the Gospel
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Beautifully Simple and Simply Beautiful
The gospel is beautifully simple. As we explore and expand the horizons of knowledge, let's not forget to stay rooted in these profound principles.
Nurturing a Family in the Gospel
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The Gospel of Jesus Christ Is Not Theory
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Your Articles of Faith
Take a moment to reflect on your life, your strengths and your weaknesses. What does your life say about your personal articles of faith?
Spiritual Constants in Changing Times
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Be Secure in the Gospel
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God Our Father: His Gospel Plan
Anchor your faith in deity—God who loves, leads and guides His children. As we seek to find Him, He will reward us with innumerable blessings.
Gospel Ideals: Life’s Surest Anchor
President David O. McKay speaks on how gospel ideals can act as an anchor to keep us steady during the rough storms of our lives.
How the Gospel Influenced My Life
Rose Marie Reid shares how to build a business by talking about her own business, which is built on hard work and obedience to the gospel.