“The Pursuit of Happiness”
As we study the Constitution and spend time reading, we can cultivate virtue and learn what the Founders meant by the “pursuit of happiness.”
The Power of Positivity
We must be intentional in seeking to be positive. We can harness that power as we seek for the good in our lives and turn our hearts to God.
Cultivating Happiness
We can cultivate happiness by being grateful, engaging in acts of service, and forming deep relationships, including in communities.
The Abundant Life
By making covenants and centering our lives in Jesus Christ, we accept the vision He has for us and choose to live an abundant life.
Something About Mental Health
When it comes to our mental health, it is important to say something and know something so that we can overcome the difficulties we face.
Harmony of Body and Spirit: A Key to Happiness
Bishop Gérald Caussé teaches about the relationship between our bodies and spirits. Harmony between the two is the key to happiness.
Everything We Need
Heavenly Father has given gifts to help us through our time on earth. From the Atonement to living prophets, we have everything we need.
How to Be Happy Now—and Forever
With the eternal perspective of the gospel as our guide in this life, we can learn how to be truly happy now—and forever.
If You Don’t Like It, Change It
Carrie Roberts shares how discovering her why and believing in her own power to change her life has affected her throughout her career.
“That They Might Have Joy”
Elder David A. Bednar reminds us that if we turn to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we can find peace. They were given "that we might have joy."
That We Might Have Joy
Is it possible that we play a part in how happy we feel from day to day? Choosing happiness makes it possible that we might have joy in our lives.
Happiness, Deceit, and Small Things
In your search for happiness, don't mistake Satan's deceit for the joy Christ offers. Remember that it is the small things that make a big difference.
“Lay Hold upon the Word”: The Power of Wholehearted Living
When we truly lay hold upon the word of God, believing it and committing to it, we open ourselves up to the life-changing power He has in store for us.
Choose Happiness
We battle discouragement and choose happiness when we cultivate a spirit of gratitude, look for the good in others, and uplift those around us.
Hands Across the Sea
Your own happiness and future success as individual and as family achievers will rest upon your nurturing of the common good in all that you choose to do.
“Walk in Newness of Life”
In the scriptures, ordinary people use the Atonement to "walk in newness of life." Their examples prove it is never too late to change.
“Be of Good Cheer”
We can acknowledge our challenging times, but also "be of good cheer" knowing that all will work out if we rely on the Lord in this exciting journey.
To Have Peace and Happiness
Why is marriage important? Elder Scott testifies of the blessings of marriage and temple covenants through interviewing a young couple.
A Time for Optimism
I believe that with all of our problems, difficulties, and uncertainties, we have the best reasons for optimism regarding the things of greatest importance.
What Do You Expect?: A Key to Personal Happiness
“Change your thoughts and you will change your world.” What you expect from life and from yourself will greatly determine your ability to be happy.
Lessons of Pride and Glory from the Doctrine and Covenants
We will look closely at a few passages from the Doctrine and Covenants that point to a more important and eternal significance of glory.
Why Giving Matters
Arthur C. Brooks explains why charitable giving is more than just a good idea; science and faith agree that it makes us better and happier.
To Establish a Secure Foundation for Life
Elder Richard G. Scott speaks to us as friends as he uses the Book of Mormon to explain ways that we can establish a secure foundation for life.
Choose to Celebrate
At the 2005 commencement, BYU graduates are counseled on ways to celebrate difficulty and trial for the strength and learning that they bring.
“In the World Ye Shall Have Tribulation: But Be of Good Cheer; I Have Overcome the World”
Christ's commandment to "be of good cheer" often comes in the midst of adversity. No trial is more powerful than the peace of His grace.
“My Soul Delighteth in the Things of the Lord”
In the same breath that Nephi said his "soul delighteth" in God, he admitted that he gets discouraged. What can we learn from him about the joy of the Lord?
“If Thou Art Merry, Praise the Lord”
The gospel of Christ is one of joy, happiness, and optimism. Let us cultivate a merry heart, a cheerful countenance, and a sense of humor.
Happily Ever After: Lessons from Joseph Smith, Lehi, and the Recent Accounting Scandals
We should not get discouraged when our careful plans and solutions don’t always lead to calm, clear sailing. Joseph Smith, Lehi, and even the Stice family have learned that “happily ever after” means pressing forward with faith, not discouragement.
“Lay Hold upon Every Good Thing”
We can navigate a changing world by laying hold on "every good thing:" eternal family, personal purity, and learning by study and faith.
“The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength” (Nehemiah 8:10)
The joys of mission, of the senses, and of contemplation and anticipation help us to find happiness throughout mortality.
Four Keys to a Happy Life
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Elements of Happiness
The gospel in our lives gives us as Saints the most reason to be happy with our lives even during difficult times.
Our Search for Happiness
James E. Faust teaches that true, lasting peace and happiness come from following God's plan. The most direct path to happiness is love.
Finding Happiness
Richard G. Scott shares a dream that taught him about finding happiness in this life through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Godliness with Contentment
Much of our happiness depends not on what we have, but on our gratitude for it, and contentment can bring us lasting joy.
Living After the Manner of Happiness
In one chapter, Nephi expounds what it means to live after the manner of happiness. Simple principles from temple worship to hard work bring lasting joy.
The Pursuit of Happiness
We can be happiest by focusing on Christ instead of material things, living righteously, and finding joy in our challenges.
Selective Attitudes and the Happy Life
We all face adversity. However, we can choose selective attitudes of positivity, gratitude, and faith that will make life happy.
Fear Not, Little Flock
Financial worries, academic stress, and other struggles are inevitable for college students—we need not fear, because Christ is our Shepherd.
Enjoy It
Not all experiences in life will be easy or fun, but we can find joy regardless of our circumstances. Even when faced with a frustrating or discouraging challenge, we can choose to enjoy it and make the most of what we have been given.
To the Lonely and Misunderstood
Life may seem unfair and unsatisfactory to the lonely and misunderstood, but purpose can be found through faith, repentance, obedience, and service.
“The Royal Road to Happiness”
J. Richard Clarke expounds on how consecration, concentration, conscience, and conquest lead us down "the royal road to happiness."
Elements of Happiness
We can experience happiness now and enjoy it by doing three simple things: serve others, express love to those around us, and never give up.
Seek Eternal Happiness
The source of true, eternal happiness is not money, prestige, or physical pleasure. Rather, it is the long-term joy of serving others and living the gospel.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Amidst political, economic, and educational challenges, don’t be a "pickle sucker." Be positive, focus on the good, and "let not your heart be troubled."
The Odyssey to Happiness
Happiness is found not money or in transient pleasures, but in the selflessness we acquire, the service we render, and the inner peace we enjoy.
The Success and Happiness Pattern
We can succeed in our spiritual and secular endeavors by following a pattern of happiness and success: planning, vision, faith, and simplification.
How to Be Happy
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Gifts That Money Cannot Buy
Giving is often better than receiving. The gifts that money can't buy, like appreciation and friendship, are also those that bring us the most happiness.
Faith, the Key to Happiness
Faith in God is the key to happiness. Unlike anything else, He offers peace, freedom from fear, and the joy of knowing our eternal potential.
Art and Culture in Everyday Life
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