The Essential Brotherhood We All Share
It is critical that we preserve our own faith and values but also that we care for a bigger community. We are all brothers and sisters.
The Value of Faith in Your Education: Reflections on My 60-Year Journey
Hrabowski shares his experiences with Martin Luther King Jr., racial conflicts from his childhood, and how God helped through it all.
America’s Upswing
Many Americans worry about our country's future, but change is possible. History shows us what we can do to get America back on an upswing.
Healing Racism Through Jesus Christ
Ryan Gabriel explains how following Jesus Christ can help the United States begin healing from racism and can eventually change the world.
Humility, Hope, and the Work of Becoming Educated
Using lessons from America's history, Drew Faust teaches the role of humility and hope in both becoming educated and understanding death.
Religious Education in BYU’s Prophetic Historical Context
The best way for a Latter-day Saint student to reconcile the competing values of faith and intellect is to be mentored by teachers and leaders whose daily lives, attitudes, and teaching authentically demonstrate how deep religious faith and demanding intellectual rigor are mutually reinforcing.
Where Do We Go from Here? Chaos or Community
Dr. Clayborne Carson, Stanford University Historian, shares some personal insights from the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why the Civil War Still Matters Today
Civil War historian James McPherson details pivotal historic events that show how and why the Civil War still matters today.
Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence?
Scholar Jeremy Black presents the question of whether or not the British could have won the American Revolution, detailing what would have made it possible.
The Glorious Cause of America
David McCullough emphasizes the importance of learning the stories of brave men and women who made the glorious cause of America a reality.
Seasons of War
The examples of faithful service members can help us be prepared in these last days. God will establish His Church by our hands.
What Did Josiah Reform? The Earlier Religion of Israel
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Television, Truth, and History
The study of history should be an inquiry of the past, not an inaccurate representation of events in order to preserve the truth of history.
Scandinavian Saints: A Legacy of Significant Sacrifice
Shauna C. Anderson shares stories of the Scandinavian Saints and their faith and courage in joining Zion during the time of the early Church.
Are You an Athenian or Visigoth?
The text for this speech is unavailable. Please see our FAQ page for more information.
A New Dawn in Nauvoo
Freeman shares the history of the Nauvoo Temple, sharing the Saint's sacrifices to complete it and the events regarding it after they left.
William Tyndale: Courage and Genius in Making Our Bible
The text for this speech is unavailable. Please see our FAQ page for more information.
African Converts Without Baptism
E. Dale LeBaron shares stories about the African converts who lived faithful to the gospel for years before receiving the blessing of baptism.
History: A Journey of Discovery
This past summer I had occasion to visit the DUP Museum in Salt Lake City. While there, I was struck by the hundreds of pioneer portraits assembled by those inveterate collectors of Utah history, the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Most of the silent faces lining the walls of four floors of the museum stared sternly into space, barely a shadow of a smile softening their earnest expressions. The men appeared…
The Exodus Repeated
The Israelite exodus led by Moses and the trek of the Latter-day Saint pioneers have much in common and are part of our inspiring legacy.
Your Time on Earth: When Would You Have Chosen to Come?
If you could choose one time in the history of the Church to be a part of, which would it be? Do we understand how important our own time is?
One Man Can Make a Difference
A mission president helps a discouraged missionary recognize one man can make a difference by reminding him of the Savior.
Leaders and Managers
Good managers produce personal gain and rely on the wisdom of the world, but great leaders build the Lord's kingdom. Leadership relies on God.
America: Three Great Gifts
L. Tom Perry delivers a patriotic fireside address recounting the history of America and the great gifts that its founding has brought.
God’s Hand in Our Nation’s History
The study of history is insightful and important. Don't be afraid, however, to add to the secular and humanistic a spiritual view of American history.
Soul-Butter and Hogwash: Mark Twain and Frontier Religion
Mark Twain's early experience with religion gives us insight into American history and culture and this author's life and literature.
The Church and the American Bicentennial
This bicentennial celebration gives us opportunity to reflect on the inspired founding of America and on what we want its future to be.
Highlights in the Ninety-Nine-Year History of BYU
Former BYU president Ernest L. Wilkinson presents BYU's history from its incipiency, reflecting on the past and anticipating a successful future.
This Nation Shall Endure
The ideals underlying the founding documents of the United States are God-given. We must be grateful for and protect our freedom.
New Light on Israel and Her Neighbors, Part 2
Israel's language, religion, and culture were heavily influenced by Israel's neighbors. Many early Christian practices were performed even before Christ.
Earliest Christians According to Newly Discovered Papyrii
As we seek to understand the practices of the earliest Christians, we find ordinances and doctrines quite similar to the restored gospel.
Jerusalem’s Formula for Peace
Hugh Nibley speaks about the history and theology surrounding the highly coveted city of Jerusalem and the hope for peace there one day.
Your Hall of Fame
May you emulate the great men and women in history who made a difference in the world no matter the cost. May your fame be your character.
The Book of Mormon Manuscripts
Preston Nibley offers little-known insights into the history of the Book of Mormon manuscripts which help us appreciate its value as a book of scripture.
A Knowledge of Countries and of Kingdoms
Knowledge of countries and kingdoms can be gained from reading scripture and other writings. It is valuable for our spiritual growth.
Lessons of the Sixth Century
The great men of the sixth century believed in contemplation and in action, and they weren’t afraid to ask God for revelation.
Touring Book of Mormon Lands
Milton R. Hunter shares some of his interesting and cultural experiences as a historian and author traveling through Book of Mormon lands.