Jesus Christ Is the Answer
Our challenges all look different, but Jesus Christ is always the answer. He will heal and strengthen us and help us overcome the world.
Learn of Christ
We access Christ’s strength as we learn of Him by studying His words, developing meekness, and serving others.
The Entire Church Shall Take Hold of Christ
To take hold of Christ, we must overcome fear, form relationships, listen to others, use our gifts for good, protect children, and trust God.
Jesus Christ, the Greatest Influencer in Your Life
We all have people who influence us through their actions. Let's strive to emulate Jesus Christ, who is the greatest influencer in our lives.
Preserving Our Relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
Heavenly Father gives us many evidences of how He preserves His relationship with us while asking us what we can do to put Him first.
The Abundant Life
By making covenants and centering our lives in Jesus Christ, we accept the vision He has for us and choose to live an abundant life.
Finding Strength in the Lord
Finding strength in the Lord requires trusting in Him and His plan even when our trials are not resolved like we want them to be.
Faith in the Lord, Faith in Ourselves
Developing faith in ourselves requires us to trust in the Lord as well as have faith in His great plan and our part in it.
Of Disciples and Higher Education
Access to a higher education of spiritual knowledge allows us to transcend our struggles and flaws and become more like our Savior.
Pointing Our Souls to Christ
By “Pointing Our Souls to Christ,” we gain divine help and develop a closeness to Him that strengthens us on our journey to our Heavenly home.
A Life Centered on Jesus Christ
True joy comes when we focus on what is within our control and then center and recenter our faith and life on Jesus Christ.
The Propinquity Effect
By exercising the propinquity effect, we can draw closer to those around us and the Savior and make the world a better place.
Christ’s Peace in Perilous Times
Elder Clark G. Gilbert explains how we can draw strength from our Savior and find Christ’s peace in perilous times.
Time for the Savior at Christmas
By following the prophet's invitation to make time for the Savior daily, we can experience the special spirit of Christmastime year-round.
An Immigrant’s Journey Toward God
Niwako Yamawaki shares her journey toward God, her experience as an immigrant, and her testimony of Christ's power to relieve suffering.
There Must Needs Be a Christ
Kyle S. McKay shares why we need to embrace the plan of God and the doctrine of Christ; Christ can undo wrongs and provide healing.
“Broke” Hearts and Contrite Spirits
L. Todd Budge explains the four steps to a "broke" heart and contrite spirit. We must desire, inquire, require, and retire.
Deepening Discipleship
Scott D. Whiting teaches how to deepen discipleship through obedience, endurance, and service to God and our fellowmen and women.
The Power to Change
As we link ourselves to the Savior’s name, we gain the power to change for the better. And as we gain this power to change, we can become more like Him.
Creating and Conveying a Christlike Culture: More Than a Job
Elder Dale G. Renlund reminds the faculty of BYU that their responsibility to help students draw closer to Christ is more than a job—it is a blessing.
“That They Might Have Joy”
Elder David A. Bednar reminds us that if we turn to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we can find peace. They were given "that we might have joy."
The Rock of Our Redeemer
Jesus Christ is our rock, our sure foundation. If we build on Him, no matter the shafts in the whirlwind, we cannot fail.
The Doctrine of Christ: Our Daily Walk
The doctrine of Christ is simple, yet beautiful. Faith, repentance, ordinances, and the Holy Ghost should be part of our daily lives.
The Lord’s Pattern
The Church's global education initiative will help us prepare for greater future challenges. We must be better to learn and teach in the Lord's pattern.
“Daddy, Is Jesus Real?” Overcoming Fear through Faith in Christ
God is real. His Son is real. Our faith in them will be strengthened as we learn more completely about them and have sacred experiences with them.
The Return of the King
Elder Larry Y. Wilson reminds us that we must be prepared for the return of our King, Jesus Christ. He gives suggestions on how to prepare.
Walking in the Light of His Love
We walk in the light of Christ's love by following His example, keeping covenants with real intent, and following the Spirit with humility.
Lessons from the Savior’s Young Adult Life
We can find direction by following the Savior’s example of learning, growing, waiting on the Lord, and making covenants.
What’s in a Name?
Names have significance and by taking Christ’s name upon us, we seek to become like Him. Name-calling and labeling should be avoided.
The Approachable Master
Why do we not openly accept the Savior’s invitation to “come unto me?” Douglas R. McKinlay testifies that Jesus Christ is a loving, approachable master.
Prophet, Priest, and King
We can better know Jesus Christ when we understand His roles, including His roles as Prophet, Priest, and King.
The Miracle of Forgiveness
Michael L. Dunn speaks on the miracle of forgiveness that is reached through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
His Grace Is Sufficient
Christ’s grace gives us the power and potential to become like Him. We need to believe Christ's words when he said "My grace is sufficient".
We Were the Greatest Generation
My generation was dubbed "the greatest generation." Though your "great depressions" and "world wars" will be different, I think that honor can be yours.
To Know Thee, the Only True God
What is our relationship with God? Christoffel Golden Jr. teaches about the doctrine that explains our relationship with God.
The Sure Foundation
Much more important than the foundations of the physical buildings we inhabit are the spiritual and covenantal foundations of our lives.
Grow Toward Christ
When we face trials, we have a choice to either turn to Christ and receive His peace and His help or to turn away.
A Child Is Born
This Christmas, contemplate what it means that "a child is born" who is your Savior. How can you live to bear witness of His role in your life?
Finding Strength in Christ
How do we overcome our weaknesses? Michael Barnes gives advice on how to receive help and strength from the Lord.
“Press Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ”
David Kooyman teaches that hope in Christ is based on experience and knowledge. If we remain steadfast in following the Lord, He'll bless us.
The Watchman on the Tower
The Watchman on the Tower is the story of a loving nobleman who instructs his servant to watch over his olive trees. This story has great application today.
Responding to the Savior’s Invitation: “Come”
When we respond to the Savior's invitation to "come," we can feel the cleansing power of Christ's Atonement in our lives.
Peace on Earth—Some Restrictions Apply
Christ has known political turmoil, injustice, hardheartedness, and loss—and yet He is the Prince of Peace. He can give us peace on earth.
“The Very Root of Christian Doctrine”
The Atonement of Christ is the core of Christian doctrine. It is only by coming to know Him as our Redeemer that we are motivated to change.
Moral Agency
By using our God-given moral agency in the way that Jesus Christ exemplified, we don't become God's puppets—we become like Him.
“And Always Remember Him”
Gordon Lindsay reiterates that when we take the sacrament, we covenant to always remember Him. But how often do we really remember Christ?
Christ’s Healing Influence in the Book of Mormon
Ronald E. Terry uses examples from the Book of Mormon and from our day to teach about Christ's healing influence.
Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast
When we are tempted to be overcome by the terror of the last days, may we remember the faith of past prophets—and of God—in us.
Christ the Savior Is Born
This Christmas, we remember not only on the implications that a Savior was born, but also the implications that He died—for us.
How Knoweth This Man Letters
The scriptures were central in Jesus' early learning and growth. They are also essential in our lives, helping us to understand Christ and His mission.
“In the Strength of the Lord”
Christ's Atonement does more than cleanse us from sin. His grace is also an enabling power to become better and serve more faithfully.
Feeling the Atonement
We must constantly strive to understand the depth of Christ's atoning love for us. Search after Christ, and your search will not be in vain.
To Know and to Be Known of God
The key to eternal life is to know God, and to know Him in a way that changes us. How can we get to know God? Professor Mary Williams shares some insights.
Centering the Arts in Christ
Centering the arts in Christ allows us to distinguish uplifting, edifying, and truly beautiful art and music from the degrading influences of the adversary.
Christ Is the Reason
Obedience is the price, faith is the power, love is the motive, the Spirit is the key, and Christ is the reason—for everything we do.
The Doctrine of Christ
Robert H. Daines exhorts us to establish priorities, repent daily, renew our covenants, serve selflessly, and study the doctrine of Christ.
The Living Water of Jesus Christ
In this address, H. David Burton testifies that what the world needs most is the living water of Christ's doctrine, love, and example.
Being One with Christ
If we are one with Christ, as well as friends, family, and church members, we will have the strength to withstand the winds of adversity.
Vast and Intimate: The Atonement in the Heavens and in the Heart
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is vast enough to apply to the entirety of the universe and intimate enough to support us in our trials.
Gratitude for the Mission and Ministry of Jesus Christ
Russell M. Nelson shares his testimony of the mission and ministry of Christ, who exemplified the virtues of love, knowledge, and worship.
One by One
The Savior performed the Atonement for us one by one. We develop an individual relationship with Him through prayer, study, and loving others.
When Shall These Things Be?
Although no one knows the time of the Second Coming, we do know what to expect in these last days - and we have the tools to thrive.
Between Two Gardens: The Law of Sacrifice
We live the law of sacrifice by sacrificing our time, items, or reputations. Sacrifice connects the events of the two gardens: Eden and Gethsemane.
The Ultimate Paradox
The mortal ministry of the Savior was the ultimate paradox: He was wounded so we could be whole, and He died so we could live.
“Another Testament of Jesus Christ”
The Book of Mormon must not be neglected. Its testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ ought to be the center or our faith.
“And Jesus Increased in Wisdom and Stature, and in Favour with God and Man”
In his youth, Jesus increased in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. He provides an example of different areas of growth.
Jesus the Christ—Our Master and More
Russell M. Nelson shares his apostolic testimony of Jesus Christ as Master, Creator, Advocate, Savior, Judge, Exemplar, and more.
“In Him All Things Hold Together”
Jesus Christ's Atonement exemplifies all of the divine attributes we are seeking. Truly, "in Him all things hold together."
Believing Christ: A Practical Approach to the Atonement
Believing in Christ and believing Christ are two different things. Taking a practical approach to the Atonement can help us grow our faith.
The Children of Christ
Neal A. Maxwell expounds on the nature of Christ and those who become His children through obeying His gospel and becoming like Him.
Come unto Christ
If we come unto Christ, His Atonement will make us clean and spotless. We can go home to live with God again, our deepest desire.
Leadership—Jesus Was the Perfect Leader
If we look to and study the life of Jesus Christ, we can learn how to become a leader in our families, church callings, and secular settings.
Lessons from the Master
Lessons from the experience with the woman taken in adultery shows how Christ was the master teacher, full of love, compassion, and testimony.
The Mystery of Godliness
To us mortals, the infinite wisdom and power of God may always be, in part, a mystery. However, there are many things about His nature that we can know.
Why a Savior Is Necessary, and Why Only Jesus Christ Could Qualify
In living the gospel, we must understand why a Savior is necessary for our physical and spiritual salvation. He is the greatest gift.
There Is Always Hope
No matter how complicated your trials, how dark your sins, or how overwhelming the challenges you face, in Christ there is always hope.
The Healing Power of Christ
We all sin, but we don't have to live with those burdens forever. Through repentance, we can be made clean through the Atonement of Christ.
Think on Christ
Our characters are defined by our thoughts, which become actions, then habits. "What would Jesus do?" is a thought that can safely guide us home.
Our Faith Is Centered on the Living Christ
Our Church, faith, and gospel have Jesus Christ for their foundation. The scriptures and the lives of latter-day prophets testify of Him.
A Born-Again Christian
What does it mean to be born again? Baptism becomes effective through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and bring us into His family.
The Olive Press
Drawing parallels between the olive press and the events in Gethsemane, Truman G. Madsen invites us to reflect on Christ's atoning sacrifice.
Our Relationship with the Lord
When we speak of our relationship with deity, it is important to remember the closeness and love that God feels for us, yet the reverence we owe Him.
The Gift That Matters Most
We are responsible to learn of and become witnesses of Jesus Christ. As we do, we positively influence our posterity and those around us.
Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
As we seek to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, we need to understand Him better. Ivan J. Barrett offers insights into the character of Christ.
Taking upon Us His Name
As we strive to take His name upon us and honor our sacrament covenants every day of the week, we will draw closer to Christ and serve and love as He does.
We Never Know Where Walking in His Steps Will Lead
Walking in the steps of the Savior is not easy, but it will bring you experiences and growth that you will be forever grateful for.
A Testimony of Christ
As a newly called apostle and special witness of Jesus Christ, James E. Faust shares his testimony of the divinity and works of the Savior.
In His Steps
Ezra Taft Benson teaches that Christ grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. We can follow in His steps by prioritizing.
Joseph Smith: A Revealer of Christ
Joseph Smith's most important contribution as a revealer and the Prophet of the Restoration is his testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Christ of the Book of Mormon
The Christ of the Book of Mormon offers Christianity a clearer picture of the Savior, His plan for us, and His doctrine.
Jesus—Savior and Redeemer
Jesus Christ was and is uniquely qualified to be our Redeemer because of His pre-mortal foreordination, His mortal perfection, and His eternal atonement.
Christ the Creator
Christ is not only the miraculous baby of Bethlehem or the atoning Savior of Gethsemane. He is also our creator, the source of our existence.
What It Means to Establish a Relationship with Christ
We all have a divine potential to become like Christ, but to become like Him, we must develop a relationship with Him by praying, repenting, and obeying.
The Man of Christ
A man of Christ is one who hold the Christlike attributes of integrity, selflessness, and courage and exercises them to help others.
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
The gospel that we believe and preach is that of the original apostles—the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. That truth can change lives.
Who Shall Declare His Generation?
Elder McConkie offers his testimony of Christ's divine parentage. We, too, can testify of his identity as the Son of God; we can "declare his generation."
Developing a Personal Relationship with the Savior
Through personal examples, George W. Pace explains ways we can develop a relationship with the Savior, such as prayer and ordinances.
As If They Would Ask Him to Tarry a Little Longer
You can gain a personal experience with the Lord just as the disciples and He will tarry with you, as He did with them.
Jesus Christ—Gifts and Expectations
Jesus Christ gave us the gifts of prophets, the Church, scriptures, our nation, and even His life. What can we give to Him?
The Real Christmas
If you desire to find the true spirit of Christmas and partake of the sweetness of it, find time to turn your heart to God.
Get to know your Shepherd, who can forgive you of your sins and teach you the truth. Evaluate your commitment to the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Knowest Thou the Condescension of God?
Christ’s mortal birth, life, and atoning sacrifice are evidence of the condescension of God and His incredible love for us.
God Is the Gardener
God is the gardener of our lives. When we put our life in harmony with His will, we will be able to become what we are meant to be.
Jesus Christ, Man’s Greatest Exemplar
Jesus Christ was subject to pain, testing, and temptation. His very ability to sin is what makes his sinlessness so inspiring. He is our greatest exemplar.
Predicted Judgments
The calamities signaling the second coming and the judgments of the Lord are here for us to study in the scriptures. We need not fear if we are prepared.
Jesus—The Best Friend We Have
Jesus Christ is the best friend we have—but do we treat Him like the friend He is? Are we loyal to Him? Do we live the principles He taught?
The Trial of Jesus—Today
The trial of Jesus did not end 2,000 years ago when He stood before those who would condemn Him—it continues today in each of our hearts.
The Commanding Image of Christ
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Caesar, Circus, or Christ
By whose standards do we make the small decisions on which big consequences hinge? By the standards of the state (Caesar), the masses (circus), or Christ?
Be Ye An Exponent of Christ
It is your calling to be a witness, an example, and, in short, an exponent of Christ in a world that is moving further and further away from Him.
Let us not forget to be humble, to remember where our blessings, gifts, and accomplishments really come from. Humility will bring us closer to Christ.
Keeping Christmas
Gifts, traditions, lights—these are wonderful aspects of Christmas, but don't let them overshadow the true focus, our Savior Jesus Christ.
“And Be Not Faithless But Believing”
The Lord has commanded us to "be not faithless, but believing." Faith in Jesus Christ can help us overcome any challenge or obstacle in life.
“What Shall I Do Then With Jesus Which Is Called Christ?”
This Christmas season, ask yourselves, "How does my testimony of Jesus Christ influence my beliefs, my actions, and the way I treat others?"
Seek to Know the Shepherd
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." Take the time to get to know the Savior and to emulate his love and example.
I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
We don't all have the opportunity to travel and walk where Jesus walked. We can, however, do our best to walk as He walked.
For Ye Are Bought with a Price
The scriptures say that we are "bought with a price." We forever owe our love and devotion to Jesus Christ for His ransoming sacrifice.
Jesus the Christ—Creator and Redeemer
J Reuben Clark shares his deep and abiding testimony that Jesus Christ is our Creator and Redeemer—a testimony we all need to seek.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
The atonement of Jesus Christ saves us from the effects of the Fall and from our own transgressions. Understanding it gives us hope to repent and improve.
President Clark shares his testimony of the magnificence, love, and mission of each member of the Godhead: our Father, our Savior, and the Holy Spirit.
Accounting for the Lord Jesus Christ
History talks of prominent historical figures, but often skips over the Savior. Accounting for the Lord means learning from His teachings.