Illuminating Your Place in God’s Masterpiece
Just as stained glass reflects light, we can reflect the light of Christ, which can illuminate where we need to be in God's masterpiece.
Light and Truth
Our quest in life is to seek the light and truth of Christ's gospel among the many distractions of the world.
Drawn to the Light
We must always seek for the light as well as light the way for others.
The Light Through the Dark Glass
As we come to understand the Light of Christ and the Holy Ghost, we will be able to better receive guidance and direction.
“That Ye May Be the Children of Light”
The light of Christ dispels the darkness of trial and sin. We each have light—as we choose the right, we can uplift others and guide them to Christ.
Letting the Light of Christ Shine Through Us
Instead of basing our image on our failures, we ought to see ourselves for the light of Christ we carry, which can bless so many others.
“Rejoice in Christ Jesus, and Have No Confidence in the Flesh”
As we choose to follow the Savior, and have no confidence in the contrary messages of the world, we will understand our great potential in His eternal plan.