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Finding Peace Amidst Uncertainty
Our covenant relationships with God help us feel peace through the earthquakes of life. We can feel His love even when facing uncertainty.
Can You Imagine?
We must be faithful to God's commandments so we can be prepared to imagine that day when we will see our Heavenly Father again.
“For Such a Time as This”
In this inaugural address, Elder Rasband declares that C. Shane Reese was prepared "for such a time as this."
Six Ways to Be a Better Boat Builder
Christopher A. Mattson offers six ways to build spiritual boats that will carry us through life's journey, no matter the situation.
Are You Ready?
Christpher Waddell explains that we must prepare to meet our Heavenly Father. When the time comes, will you be ready?
Enter to Learn; Go Forth to Fight!
Elder Godoy teaches us that we need to take advantage of learning opportunities now so we can serve the Lord faithfully after we leave BYU.
“I Can Sleep When the Wind Blows”
Elder Bowen discusses how character, honor, and integrity can give us the confidence to remain calm and have peace in times of trial.
The Four Steps on the Stairway to Heaven
Motivational speaker Dan Clark explains the four steps to on the stairway to heaven: life, time, prepare, and preform.
Tomorrow Is Today
Spiritual experiences, hard work, and service shape the future. Don't procrastinate these daily choices, because yesterday's tomorrow is today.
Preparing for Your Spiritual Destiny
You have come to earth with a special and sacred duty. As you strive to return safely—and bring many with you—you will fulfill your spiritual destiny.
Great Expectations
You are a choice generation, and you will do marvelous things as you strive to meet great expectations Heavenly Father knows you are capable of.
Just in Case Someone Asks, I Will Be Ready
Finding “kernel” truths can help us simplify our lives. As we implement these truths we can be prepared for life’s important decisions.
Preparing for That Which Is to Come
By listening to the Spirit, reading the scriptures, and following our living prophets, we can be prepared for the Lord's work in the latter days.
Lessons Learned from Listening to Others
Steve W. Albrecht shares listening to others can protect us from becoming victims—or perpetrators—of fraud, whether financial or spiritual.
Take upon Yourself the Whole Armor of God
Former BYU football head coach LaVell Edwards counsels us to put on the armor of God, which protects us and gives us an eternal perspective.
Prepare for Life’s Journey
We must keep room in our lives for Christ and for faith if we are to be happy and successful on life's journey. Being prepared is key.
Prepare Today for Tomorrow
For you to see the Lord's plan for your life, you will need to prepare today to develop tomorrow's necessary social, practical, and spiritual skills.
My Age of Preparation
When contemplating the purpose of life, it becomes clear that this is an age of preparation, a time when we are to “consciously strive to improve daily in our pursuit of celestial character.”
Preparing to Make a Difference
We are often filled with the desire to make a difference in the world. In order to have the impact we want, however, we must prepare spiritually.
Prepare Yourselves for the Great Day of the Lord
No one knows the great day of the Lord's Second Coming, but we do know the signs. More importantly, we know how to prepare and therefore need not fear.
For Times of Trouble
Trouble will come, but discouragement doesn't have to. If we work now to prepare ourselves through patient and faithful discipleship, we will get through.
You—The Leaders in 1988
In a time when the Church experiences great growth throughout the world, we need to prepare to be its leaders, and our preparation begins with testimony.
Put on Your Spiritual Clothes
Don't be like the man who, in the parable of the king's wedding feast, appeared without the proper clothes. Get spiritually dressed; prepare to meet God.
As a Chosen Generation, Be Prepared
We have the potential to be a chosen generation. Truth, service, and love will help us be prepared to reach that potential and attain the Lord's approval.
I Am More Interested in the Long Hereafter Than in the Brief Present
This brief present life is an opportunity for us to prepare for the long hereafter. Let us live for that eternal life rather than this mortal one.
Qualify Yourself
Qualify yourself to be a profitable servant to the Savior. You are an integral part of the furthering of this work of salvation, and your preparation is key to exaltation.
Prepare Yourself to Raise a Family in the Lord
Elder Rector shares his testimony that the Lord will help you fulfill divine responsibilities as you prepare yourself to raise a family in the gospel.
A Profitable Homecoming
When we return to meet our Heavenly Father, we want it to be a profitable homecoming. We can prepare now by living in accordance with the gospel.
Prepare Yourself to Serve
The call to serve the Lord may come in small, large, or unexpected ways. Prepare yourself now to answer the call however it comes.
Prepare for Useful Service
Antoine R. Ivins gives students spiritual and practical advice to prepare them for useful service in their community and the Church.
Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace
To face difficult decisions and tests of our faith, we must be armed with the spiritual preparation that comes from consistent righteousness.
Preparation for Destiny Is Now
George Washington’s decision to be just and upstanding allowed him to contribute greatly to America's establishment. Now is the time to follow his example.
Cram For Life’s Final Examination
The final examination of our lives comes sooner than we expect. Today is the only day we have to prepare, so don't just study for the exam—cram for it.