Magnifying Our Precious Gift of Time
Time is limited, but as we prioritize our time, God will direct our efforts away from distractions and toward things that are most important.
“This Is My Day of Opportunity”
Trials help build character, draw strength from covenants and ordinances, and deepen family relationships. This is our day of opportunity.
The Importance of Being Present
Jared T. Blanchard, speaks on how being present will allow us to avoid distraction and maximize our potential instead of focusing on regrets or worries.
Seeking a Balanced Life
Elder Hallstrom shares some grounding principles for keeping a balanced life for the times you feel like you are living an acrobatics act.
Adding Stars to Your Life’s Sky
As we work hard, choose wisely, overcome opposition, and exercise faith, we recognize our divine destiny.
Time: A Precious Commodity; a Finite Resource
We are stewards over our time in this life. Service is the best way to spend our time.
Tomorrow Is Today
Spiritual experiences, hard work, and service shape the future. Don't procrastinate these daily choices, because yesterday's tomorrow is today.
As You Embark upon This New Era
Dieter F. Uchtdorf tells BYU graduates: as you embark upon this new era of your lives, use your time wisely, continue to learn, and seek the Spirit always.
Faith means trust—trust in God’s will and timing. We must not try, in our personal lives or in building His kingdom, to impose our timetable on His.
What Will You Make Room for in Your Wagon?
Many things in life compete for our attention, but we only have so much "room in our wagons." Prioritizing what really matters helps us get closer to God.
Child of Promise
Time is our royal inheritance as children of promise, and the way we spend or invest it determines our own reward and the inheritance of others.
Investing for Eternity
Never will our time or efforts be better rewarded than when they are spent in service and kindness. This kind of investing for eternity should be our aim.
A Word to You: Generation of Destiny!
Time is a resource and gift given to us from God. In our mission to use time wisely, we must remember that it is never too late to make important decisions. These decisions are how we we enter into life—eternal life.
The Endowment of Time
Time is a god-given gift that the wise will cherish and that the foolish will waste or misuse; what we do here will determine what we are in the eternities.
Time Is of the Essence
Time is the single greatest commodity you have in this life. Don't waste it! Find out where you're going, make goals, and work hard to get there.