
Temples and Covenants Temples and Covenants podcast

The temple is the House of the Lord, where we can make sacred covenants that bring us closer to Him....

Recent Speeches Recent Speeches podcast

Speakers from all walks of life are invited to speak at BYU each Tuesday and share their experiences with the...

Come, Follow Me Come, Follow Me podcast

In a slump with your Come, Follow Me reading? This podcast can help enhance personal, family, and church study. All...

Classic Speeches Classic Speeches podcast

This podcast includes BYU's most-loved speeches given at least a decade ago. Speakers range from Sheri Dew to Bruce R....

By Study and By Faith By Study and By Faith podcast

Showcasing BYU devotionals that blend reason and science with faith, university disciplines with discipleship, and the scholarly with the sacred.

Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ podcast

A collection of BYU devotionals about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Speakers include prophets, apostles, professors, and historians, each...

Joseph Smith Joseph Smith podcast

Listen as prophets, apostles, professors, and historians discuss the life of Joseph Smith and add their personal witnesses that he...

Marriage & Love Marriage and Love podcast

Listen to this podcast to learn more about marriage, love, and dating from acclaimed speakers with real-life experience. Speakers use...

Overcoming Adversity Overcoming Adversity podcast

Tune into this podcast for the best advice on enduring the trials of life. Topics range from building resilience and...

Envisioning BYU Envisioning BYU podcast

This podcast includes speeches and statements that shed light on the divinely inspired mission of Brigham Young University.