The Atonement of Jesus Christ, Judgment Day, and You
If we will rely on God's love by repenting and seeking costly grace, then we can have covenant confidence as we prepare for judgment day.
Our Path to Lasting Personal Peace
Christ's Atonement purifies, enables, assures, comforts, and exalts us on our path to lasting personal peace.
We are part of the greatest deliverance story ever told. Our Savior is the protagonist, and His promises can fill us with hope.
Scholarship and Faith: Insights from My BYU Experience
BYU implements a unique form of teaching centered around scholarship and faith that draws us closer to the Savior’s example.
“A Saint Through the Atonement of Christ the Lord”
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland explains how, throughout life’s adversity, we can still become “a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord.”
There Must Needs Be a Christ
Kyle S. McKay shares why we need to embrace the plan of God and the doctrine of Christ; Christ can undo wrongs and provide healing.
Agency, Accountability, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ: Application to Sexual Assault
The doctrines of agency, accountability, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ lay the foundation for understanding the devastating issue of sexual assault.
Of Starfish and Destinies
Our thoughts determine our destinies. We must keep our thoughts clean and pure so that over time they lead us to eternal life.
“Daddy, Is Jesus Real?” Overcoming Fear through Faith in Christ
God is real. His Son is real. Our faith in them will be strengthened as we learn more completely about them and have sacred experiences with them.
“Walk in Newness of Life”
In the scriptures, ordinary people use the Atonement to "walk in newness of life." Their examples prove it is never too late to change.
Faith to Forgive Grievous Harms: Accepting the Atonement as Restitution
The faith to forgive, like faith to repent, shows our trust in the Atonement, which provides restitution and heals us from wrongs.
The Miracle of Forgiveness
Michael L. Dunn speaks on the miracle of forgiveness that is reached through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
His Grace Is Sufficient
Christ’s grace gives us the power and potential to become like Him. We need to believe Christ's words when he said "My grace is sufficient".
God Did Not Put Us Here to Fail
Jon M. Huntsman Sr. speaks of the need to be optimistic and of how following the gospel of Jesus Christ will lead us to happiness.
Faith, Hope, and You
Richard C. Edgley talks about the powerful, personal force of hope that is rooted in faith in the Atonement. With Christ, we can truly hope for all things.
Lessons from Liberty Jail
What lessons does Joseph Smith's experience in Liberty Jail teach us about God's love? How can our trials be both a prison and a temple?
Finding Strength in Christ
How do we overcome our weaknesses? Michael Barnes gives advice on how to receive help and strength from the Lord.
The Power of Deliverance
God can offer us deliverance through the hardest of trials, including comfort in grief, strength in opposition, and escape from sin.
“The Very Root of Christian Doctrine”
The Atonement of Christ is the core of Christian doctrine. It is only by coming to know Him as our Redeemer that we are motivated to change.
“Look Forward with an Eye of Faith”
The Book of Mormon teaches God's plan for us. Live according to that plan—take care of your body, seek intelligence, and prepare for an eternal family.
Moral Agency
By using our God-given moral agency in the way that Jesus Christ exemplified, we don't become God's puppets—we become like Him.
“And Always Remember Him”
Gordon Lindsay reiterates that when we take the sacrament, we covenant to always remember Him. But how often do we really remember Christ?
“A Wonderful Flood of Light”
The restoration brought about a "wonderful flood of light" regarding the family, Fall, and Atonement of Christ—but do we live in that light?
Loose Him and Let Him Go
I pray that the . . . the power of the Atonement in Lazarus, Sonya, Raskolnikov, Theany Reath, and Kats Kajiyama and millions of others will give us courage to “stand forth” and to allow our graveclothes to be removed; and that we might also be both the healers and the healed, the unbinders and the unbound.
“In the Strength of the Lord”
Christ's Atonement does more than cleanse us from sin. His grace is also an enabling power to become better and serve more faithfully.
Feeling the Atonement
We must constantly strive to understand the depth of Christ's atoning love for us. Search after Christ, and your search will not be in vain.
The Weight of the World
Everyone faces challenges, and Stice shows how we can help those who, for a time, are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.
The Intimate Restoration
He who will bring about the restoration of all things also brings about the intimate restorations that heal, cleanse, and fulfill divine promises.
Vast and Intimate: The Atonement in the Heavens and in the Heart
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is vast enough to apply to the entirety of the universe and intimate enough to support us in our trials.
The Great Plan of Redemption
Bruce L. Brown testifies that modern prophets have revealed and will continue to reveal important truths about the great plan of redemption.
One by One
The Savior performed the Atonement for us one by one. We develop an individual relationship with Him through prayer, study, and loving others.
The Three A’s: Atonement, Agency, and Accountability
The atonement, along with our own agency and accountability, work together to comprise the essence of the Plan of Salvation.
The Ultimate Paradox
The mortal ministry of the Savior was the ultimate paradox: He was wounded so we could be whole, and He died so we could live.
“In Him All Things Hold Together”
Jesus Christ's Atonement exemplifies all of the divine attributes we are seeking. Truly, "in Him all things hold together."
Believing Christ: A Practical Approach to the Atonement
Believing in Christ and believing Christ are two different things. Taking a practical approach to the Atonement can help us grow our faith.
Come unto Christ
If we come unto Christ, His Atonement will make us clean and spotless. We can go home to live with God again, our deepest desire.
Why a Savior Is Necessary, and Why Only Jesus Christ Could Qualify
In living the gospel, we must understand why a Savior is necessary for our physical and spiritual salvation. He is the greatest gift.
There Is Always Hope
No matter how complicated your trials, how dark your sins, or how overwhelming the challenges you face, in Christ there is always hope.
The Healing Power of Christ
We all sin, but we don't have to live with those burdens forever. Through repentance, we can be made clean through the Atonement of Christ.
The Atonement and Our Part in It
Elder A. Theodore Tuttle discusses the Atonement and our part in it. We must take important steps to fully access the Savior's Atonement.
“Who Then Can Be Saved?”
Christ was asked the question “Who then can be saved?” Every person can be saved, but eternal life only comes on God's terms.
The Olive Press
Drawing parallels between the olive press and the events in Gethsemane, Truman G. Madsen invites us to reflect on Christ's atoning sacrifice.
The Gift That Matters Most
We are responsible to learn of and become witnesses of Jesus Christ. As we do, we positively influence our posterity and those around us.
The Three Pillars of Eternity
The Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement are the foundations of salvation. As we understand them better, we can live to gain eternal life.
The Covenant People of God
We are the covenant people of God, and as such, we have a responsibility to live and share the gospel as we strive to fulfill His prophecies.
“The Power of God unto Salvation”
The power of God is limitless, especially as it is applied unto salvation for His children. He can redeem us from sin and change our hearts.
For Ye Are Bought with a Price
The scriptures say that we are "bought with a price." We forever owe our love and devotion to Jesus Christ for His ransoming sacrifice.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
The atonement of Jesus Christ saves us from the effects of the Fall and from our own transgressions. Understanding it gives us hope to repent and improve.
The Atonement
Jesus Christ’s atonement for our sins was an eternally necessary sacrifice for us that we could not have completed for ourselves.