The Divine Pattern of Deliverance
Paul's journey teaches us a divine pattern of deliverance. During the storms of life, we should fortify the anchors tethering us to Christ.
A Prophetically Directed University
Prophetic guidance, properly understood, is a strategic asset that will allow BYU to do things unique in all of higher education.
“For Such a Time as This”
In this inaugural address, Elder Rasband declares that C. Shane Reese was prepared "for such a time as this."
The Power of Prophetic Promises
God has promised us powerful blessings that can help us through challenges and trials—if we obey the voice of his prophet.
“Give Heed to the Words of the Prophets”
We must “give heed to the words of the prophets”—past and present—in order to build our faith and be protected from future evils.
Stay Connected: Making It Safely Home
Bishop W. Christopher Waddell shares ways to stay connected to the one true source of knowledge—Jesus Christ—so we can make it safely back home to our Father in Heaven.
His Sheep Still Hear His Voice
Mark L. Pace explains how Christ's sheep still hear His voice by the power of the Holy Ghost. Daily gospel habits help us create change.
Prophetic Invitations and Promised Blessings
Why is following the prophet so important? Elder Bennett shares the blessings he and his wife have experienced from following the prophet's invitation.
Watchmen on the Tower
The prophets are our watchmen. Following their counsel will bring blessings and save us from the painful repetition of history.
Lessons Taught by Two Prophets
President Samuelson teaches lessons about character learned through personal experiences with Presidents David O. McKay and Thomas S. Monson.
Principles from Prophets
President Thomas S. Monson shares principles learned from the lives and words of prophets before him. We can learn from their examples.
Hold Fast to the Words of the Prophets
The words of God, given through His prophets, are like an iron rod which, if we hold fast to it, will guide us to great blessings.
The Voice of Our Prophet
Sister Samuelson shares a personal and strong testimony that Gordon B. Hinckley was not only a good and wise man, but a prophet of God.
The Legacy of Learning
Although he had little formal schooling, Joseph Smith left the Church a legacy of asking and answering questions, working hard, and learning all we can.
Follow the Prophet
Sheldon F. Child exhorts us to follow the prophet by heeding his timely and inspired counsel. Prophets help us prepare for the future.
Brigham Young: A Bold Prophet
Brigham Young's bold leadership amid intimidating trial is evidence of the confidence he had in the God that had called him.
Search the Prophets
As we seek for values to stand by, especially in important or controversial matters, let us search the prophets and follow their inspired counsel.
Their “Best Shots”
The Book of Mormon is a book of scripture with prophets such as Nephi, Lehi, Mormon, and Moroni who testify of Jesus Christ and His gospel.
Of Pioneers and Prophets
The legacy left behind by our pioneer ancestors—a legacy shared by converts and "pioneer stock" alike—is one that will continue to stand the test of time.
A Testimony of Prophets
Elder Hales shares feelings about Joseph Smith, the late President Benson, and soon-to-be President Hunter. Each prophet is called of God.
A Still Voice of Perfect Mildness
I have learned from five prophets—Presidents McKay, Smith, Lee, Kimball, and Benson—that the Lord speaks with a voice of mildness and love.
We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
I testify to the truth of this work and of living prophets. God calls a prophet to reveal His truth, to His children, in His time.
Future Challenges for an International Church
Elder Ballard shares how the Church is growing on an international scene and urges members to follow the counsel of the prophet to share the gospel.
Parallel Prophets: Paul and Joseph Smith
Richard Anderson shares how Paul and Joseph Smith are similar. Both received revelation, demonstrated service, and were ultimately martyred.
“Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice”
The prophet has directed us to engage in missionary work and share the gospel. Will you listen to his voice and accept the challenge?
A Tribute
D. Arthur Haycock gives a tribute to President and Sister Kimball. They are kind, courageous, and obedient to the Lord.
The Seven Voices of Prophecy
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Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet
We can show our devotion to the Lord as we follow counsel given through His servant, the prophet. We will be blessed as we heed this counsel.
We Believe in Prophecy
We believe in the gift of prophecy. We can see today the fulfillment of prophecies from long ago, and they give us faith to follow our living prophets now.
The Prophet—Our North Star
Where will you be a millennia from now? If you heed the voice of the prophet and follow his guidance, you will not go astray.
The Prophets and the Scriptures
Throughout the scriptures, there are prophecies that testify of the challenges, growth, and opportunities of the Church in our time.
Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
Elder Haight bears testimony of the divine calling of President Kimball and exhorts students to listen to revelation from the prophet.
More Brigham Young on Education
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As If They Would Ask Him to Tarry a Little Longer
You can gain a personal experience with the Lord just as the disciples and He will tarry with you, as He did with them.
Accept Divine Counsel
Latter-day Saints are blessed with living prophets and apostles. We should willingly obey their divinely received counsel.
Latter-day Prophet-Presidents I Have Known
Belle Spafford tells stories of prophets she knew and testifies of their calling. While they are all different, each have been called of God.
The Need of a Prophet of God
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Be Ye Not Deceived
Christ warned His apostles not to be deceived but to stay true to His teachings and watch for His coming. The same injunction remains true for us.
“Pay Thy Debt, and Live”
The prophets have warned us to be careful of incurring debt, and to make every effort to get ourselves out of debt. Don't be in financial bondage.
Portrait of David O. McKay
Preston Nibley offers a historical and personal portrait of David O. McKay, including his family, conversion to the gospel, and devotion to the Church.
A Few Lessons from Joseph
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Choice Seer and Prophet
Joseph Smith was a choice seer of the Lord, and his prophetic calling is evidenced by the indisputable value of the works which he produced.
The Profile of a Prophet
If you had to create the profile of a prophet, what would it look like? Joseph Smith's character and works testify of his prophetic calling.
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Divine Revelation
God speaks to us through prophets and through personal revelation. However, we must be humble and watchful to receive His words.
Follow the Oracle of God
Through stories from history, we see that following the oracle of God, the prophet, is how we can receive guidance and protection from God.
Presidents of the Church
Preston Nibley offers historical and personal insights into each of the latter-day presidents of the Church from Joseph Smith to David O. McKay.