Cybersecurity and Spiritual Safety
“The Lord Looketh on the Heart”
Holy Places
The Lord’s Country and Kingdom—Your Passport
Beware the Dragons
The Simpleness of the Way
Harvey and Howard: Lessons from Two Grandfathers
To Live Well
How Do You Open Your Heart to Heaven?
The Promised Land
A Disposition to Do Good Continually
Hold Tight to the Iron Rod
The Iron Rod—The Word of God
Your Future
What Manner of Men and Women Ought Ye to Be?
“Come Ye, and Let Us Walk in the Light of the Lord”
To Establish a Secure Foundation for Life
Our Book of Life
The Simple Truths from Heaven—The Lord’s Pattern
“Gladly, Gladly We’ll Walk in the Light”
National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones described the difference between being the best in the world and being the best for the world. To be the best in the world, all of the attention is focused on the individual. To be the best for the world, the attention is focused on others.
To Act in Holiness Before the Lord
A Good Name – A Priceless Possession
There is another name by which we should all be known besides the one we received from our earthly fathers. That is the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Moral Dilemma of Doing Good
Anxiously Engaged
We cannot be slackers in our commitment to the Lord . . . Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and our gratitude for His sacrifice for us compels us to serve by bearing testimony of Him, even Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
Spiritual Cataracts
Daily prayer, daily scripture study, and daily service are three important spiritual antioxidants that help guarantee we will retain our spiritual vision and have the Spirit to guide us in our day-to-day activities.