Lessons on Endurance
Enduring isn’t just surviving. It includes work and effort, learning in the process, and drawing closer to God through prayer and gratitude.
An Invitation to Become: Vision, Work, and Covenants
President C. Shane Reese shares how the process of becoming requires a vision, persistent effort, and making and keeping covenants.
“Consider the Wondrous Works of God” (Job 37:14)
Participating in God's work helps us see that we are God's wondrous works, His work is for us, and we are dependent on Him for strength.
Enduring and Trusting to the End
Estela Marquez shares her life story to show how enduring and trusting to the end enables us to overcome life's challenges.
Adding Stars to Your Life’s Sky
As we work hard, choose wisely, overcome opposition, and exercise faith, we recognize our divine destiny.
Life Lessons from the Front
Mitt Romney's campaign trail taught him many lessons, including how to keep his faith on the forefront while in the political arena.
Tomorrow Is Today
Spiritual experiences, hard work, and service shape the future. Don't procrastinate these daily choices, because yesterday's tomorrow is today.
What Is Your Calling in Life?
What is your calling in life? Jeffrey A. Thompson instructs his audience how to seek the Lord's help in finding their individual life's purpose.
He Cares More About the Shoulder Than About the Wheel
When our tasks seem too hard to complete, remember that the Lord knows our growth depends on struggle. He is always there with us.
Our Book of Life
Kevin D. Stocks likens our actions to entries in our own "book of life." Each page has eternal impact and will be reviewed by Heavenly Father.
The Work Ahead
Practice makes perfect, but work is more than mere practice. Work opens us to revelation and spiritual gifts.
Faith and Works in a Secular World
In navigating this confusing world, we will need strong faith and works that are the sustaining evidence of our faith in Christ.
The Blessing of Work
It may seem ideal to have no responsibilities, but the blessing of work is one that cannot be understated. God expects us to productively build His kingdom.
Just Do What Needs to Be Done
Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley advises recent graduates to take action in all parts of their lives by just doing what needs to be done.
The Lord Has a Work for You to Do
The Lord needs strong leaders as His work moves forward. He is performing miracles, and has important work for each of us to do.
These Noble Pioneers
Gordon B. Hinckley speaks of the noble pioneers. The pioneers were people of great faith, of tremendous loyalty, and of unbending integrity.
Lessons That Have Helped Me
Although everyone on earth has a different experience, the lessons that have helped people lead a good life are universal.
On Giving and Getting
In life's opportunities for giving and getting, let us be more concerned with giving. Nothing worth getting comes without work and sacrifice.
A Law of Increasing Returns
Much less known than the economic law of decreasing returns is the spiritual law of increasing returns. Working and waiting are worth the blessings.
God did not go to the trouble of creating the earth and creating us in his own image for us to fail. Our motivations will determine our life's success.
We must not be afraid of honest, hard work. Elder Longden warns of the entitlement mentality latent in certain prevailing attitudes.
Work–Work Always
From the days of Adam, we have been commanded to work for what we need and want. Nothing worthwhile comes without constant and hard work.
The inspired welfare program of the Church is founded upon the eternal gospel principles of unity, charity, and hard work.
Avoiding Diseases of Character
Elder Clark examines some of the common diseases that plague men's characters and shows that Christ gives spiritual healing.