Of Patriarchal Blessings and Covenants
God can guide and strengthen us as we read, ponder, and study our patriarchal blessings and when we make and keep covenants with Him.
A Patriarchal Blessing: A Message of Identity, Promise, and Love
Through experiences as a patriarch, Robert S. Patterson explains that your patriarchal blessing is a message of identity, promise, and love.
Thanks for the Covenant
This unique Thanksgiving message reminds us to be grateful for our blessings through the covenant established with our father Abraham.
Patriarchal Blessings
Strive to live worthy of the blessings you were given in your patriarchal blessings. Your spiritual lineage is a heritage of faith and trust.
Patriarchal Blessings
The purpose of patriarchal blessings is to reveal to us, the eternal children of God, the purpose of the Almighty for our lives.