Being Christ’s Compassionate Hands
Steven A. Smith asks us to follow our elder brother's example by being His compassionate hands to relieve suffering in others.
The Love and Laws of God
The love and laws of God are inseparably connected. God's laws may not be popular in today's world, but they have been given for a reason.
Loving Our Neighbors
The story of the good Samaritan teaches why loving our neighbors—the ones who are in proximity—should be a primary focus in our lives.
Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as Faith
“Hard sayings," which can undeniably be a source of struggle in our lives, can also serve to deepen and strengthen our faith.
Questions and Answers
Elder Ballard offers timely and loving answers to tough questions about topics such as perfectionism, education, pornography, and the needs of LGBTQ saints.
Religious Freedom and Fairness for All
The Church believes in religious freedom and fairness for all. We need to stand up for the rights of all people when we see them impeded.