“Act Well Thy Part”
You will need to serve many different roles as students, employees, family members, friends, and Church members, but "where'er thou art, act well thy part."
A Solemn Obligation
We have a solemn obligation as spokespeople for the Lord and His great cause on the Earth, but we must stay within our limits of knowledge.
Witnesses in Stars and Stones
If we take the time to stop and look at the majesty of God's creations, we find witnesses of Him in stars as well as tiny grains of sand.
“And Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me”
I bear solemn testimony that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is rolling forth under His direction and in preparation for His second coming.
Message Sublime
The gospel, from our eternal identity as God's children to the doctrine of the Atonement of Christ to the Restoration of His Church, is a message sublime.
“A Cloud of Witnesses”
We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses of Jesus Christ. Elder Asay gives counsel on how to make sure we are honest disciples of Christ.
The Divine Law of Witnesses
The Lord's law of witnesses enabled Jesus Christ to testify of his own divinity with certainty, and in a similar way it enables us to testify of Him.
Divine Witnesses
Joseph Fielding Smith recounts the testimonies of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the priesthood. The importance of their testimonies is in keeping with the Lord's law of divine witnesses.
The Law of Divine Witnesses
The law of divine witnesses adds credibility to Joseph Smith's testimony of the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the priesthood.