The Power of Positivity
We must be intentional in seeking to be positive. We can harness that power as we seek for the good in our lives and turn our hearts to God.
The Power to Change
As we link ourselves to the Savior’s name, we gain the power to change for the better. And as we gain this power to change, we can become more like Him.
If You Don’t Like It, Change It
Carrie Roberts shares how discovering her why and believing in her own power to change her life has affected her throughout her career.
The Power of Not Knowing
Liz Wiseman shares how being comfortable with "not knowing" instead of being overconfident improves our success in leadership and learning.
The Powers within You
As we acquire new skills and hobbies, grow in intellect, and learn to unleash priesthood power in our homes, we can change our divine potential.
Lord, Increase Our Faith
Bruce R. McConkie discusses the teaching of Joseph Smith that faith is power. He shares ways to enlarge and increase our faith in the Lord.