The Atonement of Jesus Christ, Judgment Day, and You
If we will rely on God's love by repenting and seeking costly grace, then we can have covenant confidence as we prepare for judgment day.
The Courage to Choose Wisely
We need courage to choose wisely in the certainties and uncertainties of life. Make decisions and seek the Lord’s confirmation.
His Grace Is Sufficient
Christ’s grace gives us the power and potential to become like Him. We need to believe Christ's words when he said "My grace is sufficient".
Judge Not and Judging
There are some types of judgement we must never pass, and some we must pass. Dallin H. Oaks offers principles for making righteous judgements.
Sin and Suffering
We cannot sin without accepting the consequences, and sin always brings suffering. Sincere repentance is not easy, but it is possible.
We Need Not Fear His Coming
The Second Coming will bring judgment on the wicked. By living God's commandments, we can look forward to that day with joy and without fear.
Predicted Judgments
The calamities signaling the second coming and the judgments of the Lord are here for us to study in the scriptures. We need not fear if we are prepared.
Will You Pass the Test?
Earth life is part of a grander eternal scheme. Our purpose is to pass mortality's test and gain a place in our Heavenly Father's presence.
As Ye Sow
As ye sow, so also shall ye reap. Make choices that will build your spirit, not ones that will give you regret in the day of judgment.
The World Is Waiting to Test You
This life is a rigorous test; don't expect it to be easy, but remember that you write the book out of which you will be judged. Write well.