“The Pursuit of Happiness”
As we study the Constitution and spend time reading, we can cultivate virtue and learn what the Founders meant by the “pursuit of happiness.”
Zion Is the Pure in Heart
Elaine S. Dalton brings a call to lead the world in a return to virtue. Those who are pure in heart are the building blocks of Zion.
True to the Faith
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men." Guide your life by these principles—be true to the faith.
Be Honest, Be Pure, Be Humble
Elder Jack H. Goaslind offers the admonition to be honest, be pure, and be humble. In other words, be your best self.
Social Virtues and Prosperity
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Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments
Jeffrey R. Holland discusses the sanctity of chastity and physical intimacy. The power of souls, symbols, and sacraments is gifted from God.
Virtus et Veritas
President Holland asks students to appreciate the privilege of being at BYU by contributing to its aims of virtus, virtue, and veritas, truth.
Add to Your Faith Virtue
Sexual purity and virtue are imperative for men and women alike. Living morally will prevent temporal and spiritual consequences for you and your families.
A Style of Our Own
As the world becomes increasingly dismissive of the morality, we must create a style of our own—one of modesty and chastity.