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David H. Moore

Watchmen on the Tower

When I was an undergraduate, I had the privilege of studying at the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. On one field trip we visited an area in which a large stone tower stood. From the tower a watchman could detect threats before they were visible from the ground, protecting the olive, fig, and […]
Cecil O. Samuelson

Seven Suggestions

As is always the case at the beginning of a new year, I greet you with great pleasure, optimism, and gratitude for our current circumstances and what lies ahead in this winter semester and beyond. Thanks for being with us and for contributing to all that makes Brigham Young University the special and remarkable institution […]
Kristine Hansen

Lift Up Thine Eyes to the Mountains

I am humbled by the invitation to speak today. As I have prepared my remarks, I have had particularly in mind the 900 new freshmen who arrived on campus less than two weeks ago. The rest of you will, I hope, find something of value in what I say, but I especially pray that I […]
Cecil O. and Sharon G. Samuelson

“Why We Do Some of the Things We Do”

SGS: Good morning! We add our voice of welcome to all of you at the beginning of a new year and new winter semester. While it is chilly outside, you exude a warmth that is both pleasant and encouraging. We join you in looking forward to an exciting and productive experience as we push forward to […]
Cecil O. Samuelson

“Be Ye Therefore Perfect”

I am grateful to add my welcome and greeting to you at the beginning of an exciting fall semester. This is a wonderful time of year. We hope you have had a productive, if not restful, summer and a welcome change of pace to help prepare for the challenging and exciting work of the weeks […]
Marilyn S. Bateman

Our Sacred Honor

My subject today concerns one of the values from the Young Women Theme. I suspect that almost all of the women in the audience are familiar with this standard and could say it with me. As an introduction to my topic, would the women stand and repeat with me the Young Women Theme: We are daughters […]
Rex E. Lee

Building BYU: Our Shared Values, Our Challenges, and Our Opportunities

Let me begin with a couple of personal observations. The first concerns my health. I get enough inquiries from time to time that I know many of you are interested. I appreciate that interest. As confirmed by my principal oncologist in my most recent visit last month, my health is as good right now as […]
Ashton R. Omdahl

Embracing the Truth

Fellow students, graduates, parents, siblings, peers, and teachers, good afternoon! I would like to begin by addressing my peers. Friends, I expect that you, like me, are probably feeling excited today and perhaps a little anxious and maybe even a little burned-out at the end of this road to graduation. And certainly you and I […]
Merrill J. and Marilyn S. Bateman

Christ Is the Reason

Elder Bateman: Brothers and sisters, it is wonderful to be with you at the first devotional of the new year and the new millennium. Sister Bateman and I so much enjoy our association with you. We are pleased that everyone returned safely to campus following the holidays. This is an especially important time in the history of […]
Brian K. Evans

Your Contract with BYU

Brothers and sisters, like me, you have undoubtedly noted the caliber of the devotional and forum speakers this semester. It may never again be equaled. From the introduction just read, you also know that I am not a prominent Church leader, a university president, a U.S. senator, a Supreme Court justice, or an astronaut. I […]