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Casey C. Peterson

Dally Up: Finding Our Anchor in Turbulent Times

I am humbled and thankful to be among so many friends today and to see so many of my current and former students. Thank you for this opportunity, President Worthen. I grew up on a large cattle ranch, first near Eureka, Nevada, and later in Kanosh, Utah. I would start the days very early by catching and […]
Neil L. Andersen

Honesty—The Heart of Spirituality

I bring you the love and blessing of President Thomas S. Monson and the First Presidency of the Church. President Monson asked me specifically to share his love and greeting with you. Just over an hour ago I left a meeting of the Quorum of the Twelve. They also asked that I extend to you […]
Cecil O. and Sharon G. Samuelson

Why We Appreciate BYU

We welcome you this morning at the beginning of a new year and a new semester. We are grateful to be here with you and believe you feel the same way. SGS: We hope you have had very enjoyable Christmas and New Year’s holidays and now look forward to both the excitement and rigors of winter semester. […]
Cecil O. Samuelson


It is my great pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the fall semester. Although many of you are new to BYU, there are also those who have returned following missions and other prolonged absences. Some of you have been with us throughout the summer. To all I say that we are very glad to […]
Rex E. Lee

Honesty and Integrity

Today is literally one of the highlights of my life. My soul is filled with joy and thanksgiving. From the time I was a little boy, the opening day of school has always been one of excitement and anticipation. It is for this reason that a high point of my years as president of BYU […]
Sarah Westerberg

Pastry, Chalk Circles, and Other Words to Live By: A Guide to Keeping Commitments

When I first came to this land, I quickly learned that a number of everyday words had different meanings here. Biscuits became cookies, petrol became gas, and chips became fries. It was through my work with a group of wonderful student employees in the tutoring program that I was introduced to a new meaning of […]
Rex E. Lee

Opportunities for Learning

From the time I started the first grade, the early fall season has always held a special fascination for me because it marks the beginning of a new school term. And now it’s here again, carrying the same set of pleasant reactions. With you, I look forward to this school year. For some of you […]
Willard M. Hirschi

Gold Fever, Athletic Fervor

When the Savior appeared to the Nephites on this continent, He told them: Those things which were of old time, which were under the law, in me are all fulfilled. Old things are done away, and all things have become new. Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in […]
W. Justin Dyer

Choosing Christ’s Light Burden

Forty-seven years ago, my grandfather spoke at a BYU devotional; twenty-two years ago, my father spoke at a BYU devotional. Today it appears to be my turn. You can imagine how nervous this makes my kids! I was trying to find a scripture that might explain this pattern, and the only thing I could <mark […]
Rex E. Lee

Where Much Is Given: Some Thoughts on Appreciation

Like you, I rejoice at the beginning of this school year. From the time I began the first grade (Arizona didn’t have kindergarten in those days), late August and early September have always been among my favorite times of year, precisely because that is when school starts. Every year since that time, I have always […]