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Bruce L. Brown

The Stick of Joseph and the Stick of Judah

We live in a glorious time in the history of the world when much of God’s word has been restored, when living prophets are upon the earth again, and when many ancient treasures are available to all who will read them. Joseph the Patriarch, the son of Jacob, prophesied of one in the last days […]
Merrill J. Bateman

Look Forward with an Eye of Faith”

Brothers and sisters, it is a wonderful treat to be back in the Marriott Center to see so many of you here with us tonight. But, more than that, it is wonderful to realize that across the earth there are tens of thousands who are gathered in various facilities—maybe even hundreds of thousands. Sister Bateman […]
E. Dale LeBaron

African Converts Without Baptism

I wish to speak about a unique and inspiring chapter in Church history. It took place in recent years among the beautiful people of Africa. Too often we have misconceptions about Africa and its people. Africa is referred to as the Dark Continent, and the media usually portrays Africans as primitive, starving, or at […]
Neal A. Maxwell

The Children of Christ

This address will attempt to “survey the wondrous cross” by focusing on the Christology in the book of Mosiah, using not only the words of King Benjamin, Mosiah, Abinadi, and Alma the Younger, but scriptures that lie in the suburbs of Mosiah and other related scriptures. The final focus will be on the requirements […]
W. Christopher Waddell

Are You Ready?

Brothers and sisters, it is an honor to join you for today’s devotional. In reality, speaking at a devotional is something I never could have imagined growing up in a small beach town in Southern California and later as an undergraduate at San Diego State, where I actually attended on a volleyball scholarship. That was […]
Dallin H. Oaks

“Another Testament of Jesus Christ”

My brothers and sisters, I am pleased to be with you this evening. I express my gratitude for the beautiful music that has been performed and for the prayers offered in our behalf. I am glad that this telecast is being transmitted by satellite to many locations. I love these occasions when the future leaders […]
Larry Echo Hawk

An Unexpected Gift

Echo Hawk: that is the English translation of the name given to my great-grandfather, a Pawnee Indian who did not speak English. He was born in the mid-1800s in what is now called Nebraska. Among the Pawnee, the hawk is a symbol of a warrior. My great-grandfather was known for his bravery, but he was […]
Vaughn J. Featherstone

As If They Would Ask Him to Tarry a Little Longer

I’m delighted with this experience. When I got home tonight, my young son Lawrence said, “Dad, you know The Wizard of Oz is on at six o’clock, The Ten Commandments is on at eight o’clock, and The Greatest Story Ever Told is on Channel 5. You might not have anyone there.” I’m grateful you’re here. […]
Gary E. Stevenson

The Ongoing Restoration

To all of you, I bring the greetings of the First Presidency, who never fail to extend their love to the Latter-day Saints wherever and whenever we assemble under their direction. In October 2018, my wife, Lesa, and I accompanied President Russell M. Nelson and Sister Wendy Watson Nelson to South America for President Nelson’s ministry tour. […]
W. Christopher Waddell

Stay Connected: Making It Safely Home

Brothers and sisters, Carol and I are thrilled to join you today for this devotional, just two years from when I had the privilege of addressing you in early November 2019. Since that time, as you are all keenly aware, the world has been turned upside down by the impact of COVID-19. Every aspect of life, individually […]