“I Can Sleep When the Wind Blows”
Elder Bowen discusses how character, honor, and integrity can give us the confidence to remain calm and have peace in times of trial.
Do What Is Right
Richard G. Scott implores us to decide to keep the Lord's standards and live so that the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do what is right.
Integrity of Heart
Just as small health problems can compromise the integrity of the heart, seemingly small breeches of honor can compromise personal integrity.
At Their Most Enlightened and Alert
George Washington, one of the "wise men" the Lord raised up to lead the US, is commemorated. Our leaders reflect our own enlightened state.
The Light of Truth
“On my honor” is the rule by which every Latter-day Saint must govern their life. Living with honor brings the light of truth into our lives.
“On My Honor”
Abiding by the standards at BYU is a sign of honor. It shows that when you sign an agreement to do something, you intend to do it.
Why Dress and Grooming Standards?
The dress and grooming standards at BYU are based on standards of modesty and propriety, which both help you to respect yourself.
The Importance of Honor
BYU President Ernest L. Wilkinson tells the story of Karl Maeser's conversion and his legacy of honor and urges students to live by the Honor Code.
Live for Our Faith
The way you live speaks sermons about what you profess to believe. Back up your faith by living the standards and principles you know to be true.