Why Our Bodies Matter in a Digital World
Amy Petersen Jensen shares examples of why our bodies matter in a digital world, citing from both personal and professional experiences.
Harmony of Body and Spirit: A Key to Happiness
Bishop Gérald Caussé teaches about the relationship between our bodies and spirits. Harmony between the two is the key to happiness.
Empty Centers and the Fire of the Lord
Michelle Stott James speaks on the importance of cultivating spiritual perspective in order to kindle the rejuvenating fire of the Lord.
The Human Body: A Gift and a Responsibility
With the right attitude and the Lord at our side, we can learn to live a healthy lifestyle and more fully enjoy the blessings of life.
How Do We Think about What Is Human?: C. S. Lewis and The Abolition of Man
Political philosophy professor Jean Bethke Elshtain, citing C.S. Lewis, warns against tampering with our definition of what is human and deserving of life.
A Sense of the Sacred
D. Todd Christofferson asks us to consider how we treat sacred things. We can show reverence for sacred places, callings, and our bodies.
Ultimate Health: God’s Gift and Our Personal Responsibility
Our Father in Heaven desires us to be joyful and well, to nurture and care for the garden that is entrusted to each of us. He needs a healthy people and has given us the gifts and abilities to be so.
The Instrument of Your Mind and the Foundation of Your Character
Mortal bodies are the instrument of the mind and the foundation of character. Care for and protect it from the spiritual dangers of the world.
Temples of Learning
After reflecting on the 9/11 tragedy, BYU's president counsels students to treat the university, and their bodies, as temples of learning.
Dance—The Supreme Physical Manifestation of Inner Convictions
Becoming physically healthy is an outward manifestation of inner convictions. Church members dance to communicate the sacred to the world.
Our Mortal Body—A Sacred Gift
Our mortal body is an eternal part of our soul. The way we use and treat our bodies has lasting physical, emotional, and spiritual implications.
Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments
Jeffrey R. Holland discusses the sanctity of chastity and physical intimacy. The power of souls, symbols, and sacraments is gifted from God.
The Magnificence of Man
One of the most magnificent creations of God is the remarkably complex human body, which ought to be an object of appreciation and respect.
Four Lessons from One Life
Russell M. Nelson shares some of his greatest life lessons about the body, the spirit, the power of love, and the dependability of divine law.