Standards of Happiness
We can be happy and influence others for good as we deepen commitment to family, commitment to truth, and commitment to community.
Pointing Our Souls to Christ
By “Pointing Our Souls to Christ,” we gain divine help and develop a closeness to Him that strengthens us on our journey to our Heavenly home.
Facing the Algebras of Life
We all meet our match somewhere. For Sister Worthen, it was algebra. When we are faced with something difficult, will we quit or will we learn?
Live Your Life with Purpose
Janie Penfield teaches that we must live our lives with purpose: determine your purpose, determine your course, stay on course.
Pastry, Chalk Circles, and Other Words to Live By: A Guide to Keeping Commitments
Being flaky is only good if you're a pastry. Keeping commitments to God and ourselves requires effort and endurance, but the rewards are innumerable.
Living on the Lord’s Side of the Line
Choose to keep God's commandments and stay out of Satan's territory. We are promised safety and peace on the Lord's side of the line.
Do What Is Right
Richard G. Scott implores us to decide to keep the Lord's standards and live so that the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do what is right.
Being a Worthy You
As we become the most worthy versions of ourselves and strive to lift others, the Lord will be able to use us to build His kingdom.
Make Up Your Minds
For those who are "sitting on the fence" in terms of living the gospel, make up your minds now to keep the commandments of God and receive His blessings.
Decades of Distinction
Know that you have leaders of distinction here at BYU and that the Church invests its money and talent so heavily in this school because you are worth it.
An Eternal Quest—Freedom of the Mind
Many today are seeking greater freedom, especially freedom of thought. Be grateful for your freedom of the mind, and use it well.
Tickling the Tiger
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The Lord needs more than the half-hearted faith and obedience of lukewarm disciples. Let us seek stability in our devotion to Him.
The Story of My Life
Thomas L. Martin humorously describes the main events of his life and highlights how the hand of the Lord worked to help him reach all his righteous goals.