Five Loaves and Two Fishes
“The Chosen” creator Dallas Jenkins learned it’s not our job to feed the 5,000. We bring our loaves and fishes; Christ does impossible math.
On Failing and Finishing
We needn't be paralyzed by our mistakes. Failure helps us learn and pushes us to rely on the help of the Savior.
Successfully Failing: Pursuing Our Quest for Perfection
Failure is an essential part of our quest for perfection. By trusting in God and in the Atonement, we can turn our failures into successes.
Failure and Success
Successful students have realistic but dogged determination to work through whatever challenges or difficulties face them. Failure can lead us to success.
God Did Not Put Us Here to Fail
Jon M. Huntsman Sr. speaks of the need to be optimistic and of how following the gospel of Jesus Christ will lead us to happiness.
Lessons Learned
Often we learn life lessons through mistakes, but we don't have to personally make every mistake if we learn how to learn.
The Nobility of Failure
R. Lanier Britsch uses stories of past missionaries' experiences to honor their faithfulness and to define eternal success.
Do What Is Right
Richard G. Scott implores us to decide to keep the Lord's standards and live so that the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do what is right.
Sins and Mistakes
Sins and mistakes can both hurt us, but they are different things. Understanding the difference is necessary to learn how to deal with them.
There Is Always Hope
No matter how complicated your trials, how dark your sins, or how overwhelming the challenges you face, in Christ there is always hope.
For Times of Trouble
Trouble will come, but discouragement doesn't have to. If we work now to prepare ourselves through patient and faithful discipleship, we will get through.