The Modern Mighty Women of Israel
Modern mighty women in Israel do the Lord's work in different ways. Here, Brother Brough explains how each of those ways is significant to God.
Why BYU?
Despite the challenges it faces and the accomplishments already attained, BYU must continue to improve so that "all may be edified of all."
Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might
Elder Ballard offers six ways that we can strengthen our spiritual armor and access the power of God to protect ourselves from danger.
Do What Is Right
Richard G. Scott implores us to decide to keep the Lord's standards and live so that the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do what is right.
Standards of Standard-Bearers of the Lord
Our standards set us apart and enable us to be "standard-bearers" to the world of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
A Righteous Standard
Eternal values never change, We must make the decision now to follow gospel principles in every circumstance and uphold a righteous standard.
Your Fringe Benefits
Your first priority at BYU is education. However, there are some fringe benefits you should take advantage of, including whom you choose to associate with.
A Standard for My People
It’s a great privilege for me to be here this morning. I am always more thrilled when I am in the presence of the young people of the Church because there is such promise among them, and I am very blessed and feel honored to be on this campus. Summer students, it seems to me, must be rather special. Although tradition is changing, it is rather usual to go to…
Safety in the Face of Danger
The Church faces danger from the world, but more danger from within. We need to be wary of false ideas, immorality, and other threats to our soul.
Caesar, Circus, or Christ
By whose standards do we make the small decisions on which big consequences hinge? By the standards of the state (Caesar), the masses (circus), or Christ?
Two Powers
There are two powers at work in the world and in your soul—the power of God and of Satan. God's power will win only if you choose Him.
Personal Liberty vs Social Control
Your personal liberty does not give your the right to flout standards and rules that you have agreed to, nor to ignore when others who do so.