Great Expectations
Quentin L. Cook counsels the rising generation on how to live up to the expectations of their Heavenly parents in order to obtain joy.
“Avoid It”
The Savior counsels us to completely avoid temptation instead of merely dealing with it when we are faced by it.
Fledgling Finches and Family Life
Like serpents that steal fledgling finches, evil influences are constantly at your door. You, however, have the tools to protect your family spiritually.
Flags, Faith, and Finishing the Race
Lynnette B. Erickson compares life to the Indy 500 and explains how we can use the same principles as the drivers to win the "Life's race"
“Even if All, Not I”
It is tempting to follow the crowd, but as the world's standards fall, ours cannot. We must choose to follow God, even if we stand alone.
“Withstanding Every Temptation of the Devil”
Understanding the fundamental doctrines of the Resurrection, revelation, and the Restoration will help us in withstanding every temptation we face.
“Watching It Rain”
David M. Randall invites us to "watch it rain," or in other words, use artwork as a means of envisioning the Savior and resisting temptation.
Do What Is Right
Richard G. Scott implores us to decide to keep the Lord's standards and live so that the Holy Ghost can inspire us to do what is right.
Cliff Walking
S. Olani Durrant shares how to face "cliff walking," moments when we find ourselves close to falling into temptation. Satan's power is real.
Safety in the Face of Danger
The Church faces danger from the world, but more danger from within. We need to be wary of false ideas, immorality, and other threats to our soul.
Beware of Temptation
We don't want to be like the fly who was enticed into the spider's web; we must beware of temptation to avoid the traps the adversary would lure us into.