“Arise and Shine Forth, That Thy Light May Be a Standard for All Nations”
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“Serve the Lord with Gladness” (Psalm 100:2)
The world's beauty is a gift to us just as everything else is. To repay Him for His goodness, we should serve Him.
“In This Life I Shall Have Joy” (Moses 5:10)
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“Peace Like a River”
The restoration of the gospel is about hope. Heidi S. Swinton speaks of the restoration and how its message should bring "peace like a river" to our souls.
“Serve the Lord with Gladness”
Our testimonies let us trust that we are part of a very important pattern in building the kingdom of God, even if we can’t see it in its entirety. Every skill, talent, and ability we have, whether inborn or developed in callings or other areas of our lives, helps us be more serviceable in the kingdom.
“In This Life I Shall Have Joy”
Elaine S. Marshall reminds us that because of the Atonement, we can choose to have joy in this life, no matter how difficult our trials may be.
“In the World Ye Shall Have Tribulation: But Be of Good Cheer; I Have Overcome the World”
Christ's commandment to "be of good cheer" often comes in the midst of adversity. No trial is more powerful than the peace of His grace.
“My Soul Delighteth in Plainness unto My People, That They May Learn”
Nephi delighted in plainness so that his people could learn. Similarly, we should live our lives and teach the gospel with more simplicity.
“Arise and Shine Forth”
The call to arise and shine forth reminds each of us to champion the cause of virtue in the world—and modesty in dress is an essential element of virtue.
“Joy Cometh in the Morning”
Joy and sorrow are twinborn: joy comes not from having a pain-free life but from conquering the obstacles, even when they are painful.
“For Thou Hast Made Him a Little Lower Than the Angels”
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“If Thou Art Merry, Praise the Lord” (D&C 136:28)
We will be happiest as we choose to be happy with the circumstances in our lives instead of continually wanting things out of reach.
Her Calling—Her Blessing
Donna Packer teaches about the divine nature of womanhood. Women have an integral role in guiding and supporting God's kingdom here on the earth.
Joy in the Divine Roles of Men and Women
We have sacred roles as women and men. We can achieve a fulness of joy by fulfilling these roles, preparing to return to live with our Father in Heaven.
Pray Not for Light Burdens but for Strong Backs
In times of trial, the Lord will always be with us to strengthen our backs and lighten our loads. Suffering makes us stronger.
“My Soul Delighteth in the Things of the Lord”
In the same breath that Nephi said his "soul delighteth" in God, he admitted that he gets discouraged. What can we learn from him about the joy of the Lord?
“If Thou Art Merry, Praise the Lord”
The gospel of Christ is one of joy, happiness, and optimism. Let us cultivate a merry heart, a cheerful countenance, and a sense of humor.
Building the Kingdom from a Firm Foundation
Women of the Church come from all walks of life, but each woman, when her foundation is strong in Christ, builds the Kingdom of God in her own unique way.
“Yielding the Fruits of Peace”
In her BYU Women's Conference address, Patricia T. Holland teaches that peace comes as we love each other without judgment, comparison, or pettiness.
“Try the Virtue of the Word of God”
The word of God is more powerful than sword or any other force. When it seems that nothing else is able, God's word has the power to heal and change us.