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Jay E. Jensen

Building upon the Rock

Sister Jensen and I are thankful to be here today. We feel a debt of gratitude to the administration, faculty, and staff of this great university. To have studied and taught here are among the great experiences of our lives, and now they are memories we treasure. Three of our four sons and a daughter-in-law […]
L. Tom Perry

The Scriptures and the Restoration

I find myself continuing to feel the inspiration of the last general conference. I felt the power of the messages, especially the doctrinal presentations on the restoration of the gospel. Fortunately we can continue to study these messages. Sessions are replayed on television and over the Internet, and the printed text is available in the Church […]
Neil L. Andersen

Hold Fast to the Words of the Prophets

Thirty-three years ago, while a student at Brigham Young University, I had a small role in an evening fireside like the one we are holding tonight. The speaker was President Spencer W. Kimball, and I found myself walking next to him as he moved toward the entry coming into the Marriott Center. I asked him […]
Rex E. and Janet G. Lee

Lift Up Thine Eyes: Miracles Large and Small

Janet: A couple of weeks ago our family watched a Christmas movie together, after which our four-year-old grand son Alex turned wide-eyed to his mother and asked, “Do I believe in Santa Claus?” I had two reactions to his honest question. One was a realization of the dependency a young child has on his parents for […]
Susan W. Tanner

Scriptures—More Precious Than Gold and Sweeter Than Honey

Thank you to the wonderful choir. The music was beautiful, and it invited the Spirit. I also appreciated the opening prayer. I noticed particularly that the prayer asked that each of us would feel the Spirit tonight and that we would be inspired in the ways that we particularly need it. That certainly is my […]
Chad Lewis

The World Needs to See and Feel Your Light

Shortly after accepting my job at BYU, I called Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s office to ask if he would do the voice-over for an athletics commercial during the height of Jimmermania. Because of my football career I had gotten to know Elder Holland, and I thought he would be the perfect person, with his distinctive […]
Gary E. Arnoldson

The M&M’s of Missionary-Minded Members

It is a blessing and an honor to be asked to speak to you today. I never dreamed of having such a great opportunity as this, and I pray that the Spirit will be with both of us. I am just a country kid from Moroni, Utah, so this is extraordinary for me. As I […]
Rex E. Lee

Things That Change, and Things That Don’t

The title of my talk today is “Things That Change, and Things That Don’t.” With regard to things that change, I would like to look at two separate categories: first, things that change within the Church; and second, things that change within our individual lives. The changes that have occurred and are presently occurring in […]
Scott D. Sommerfeldt

Exactness in Our Discipleship

I am grateful and humbled to be with you here this morning. During my time here at BYU I have had the opportunity to listen to numerous devotional addresses, and, frankly, I have never considered myself to be in the category of those who deliver these addresses. So I pray that I may be […]
David J. Whittaker

Pioneering Journeys: Then and Now

Yesterday morning I awoke in a comfortable bed and breakfast establishment in Cambridge, England. I was some 6,000 miles away from Utah. My one-day journey home required a taxi ride to the Cambridge train station, a short train ride into and through London, and another train ride south to Gatwick Airport. After checking my […]