Put Your Trust in God: The Admonition of Alma to His Sons
Alma's counsel to his sons is very applicable to us today. BYU graduates need to know how much the Lord loves them, and to put their trust in God first.
Seven Suggestions
BYU's president offers 7 suggestions for a successful semester: self-awareness, self-control, service, spirituality, scriptures, scholarship, and standards.
Bridling Mammon: Harnessing the Power of Money in the Service of Virtue
To avoid money’s corrupting influence, we must love only God and our fellowman and embrace only virtue as the defining and motivating force in our lives.
Where There Is No Vision
Be eager to take advantage of the opportunities before you. Create a vision for your life and persevere in the attainment of it.
On Giving and Getting
In life's opportunities for giving and getting, let us be more concerned with giving. Nothing worth getting comes without work and sacrifice.
We Have to Pay the Price
We should strive to be an uncommon people, a people who are willing to pay the price of discipleship regardless of the world's attitudes.
The Power of Self-Control
Rising crime and falling expectations are evidence of the need for greater self-control. Be willing to give up what you want now for what you want most.
Whither Shall We Go?
We, as the apostles did long ago, must ask the Lord, “Whither shall we go?” He will guide us in on the path that leads back to our Heavenly Father.
We Can Have Self Control
The scriptural story of Sampson teaches us that when we lose self-control and try to create our own rules, the consequences can be devastating.