Why a Church?
The only way we can truly come unto Christ is through His restored Church upon the earth, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
After the Manner of Jesus Christ
Service is one of the best ways we can follow the example of Jesus Christ. We should gain knowledge so we can provide that Christian service to others.
On Being a Christian Perfectly
In order to be like the Savior we must gain a better understanding of who He is so that we can emulate Him and return to live with the Father.
“The Very Root of Christian Doctrine”
The Atonement of Christ is the core of Christian doctrine. It is only by coming to know Him as our Redeemer that we are motivated to change.
What We Believe
Robert L. Millet shares his experiences answering the most common, but often most difficult questions on what Latter-day Saints believe.
“It’s a Two-Way Street”
Tolerance is a two-way street. If we want others to respect our beliefs, we must be willing to afford the same respect and appreciation to theirs.
Christianity and the Hope of the Future
The sordid and complicated history of Christianity is clear evidence that God's church needs the guiding hand of continuous revelation.
A Born-Again Christian
What does it mean to be born again? Baptism becomes effective through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and bring us into His family.
Number One Christian
We often rank the best as "number one." What does it mean to be a "number one Christian?" It is about how we treat others and about being clean.
Christianity—Repression or Liberation?
True Christianity is the companion of liberty, not an instrument of oppression. Christ can give you true freedom from sin, futility, and fear.
The Trial of Jesus—Today
The trial of Jesus did not end 2,000 years ago when He stood before those who would condemn Him—it continues today in each of our hearts.
True Christianity: The Ideal for Humanity
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