Why a Church?
The only way we can truly come unto Christ is through His restored Church upon the earth, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Building a Beloved Community
We can build a “beloved community” daily by uniting with other Christians to face change together and invite all to come unto Christ.
Catholics and Latter-day Saints: Partners in the Defense of Religious Freedom
Cardinal George encourages Catholics and Mormons to work together to defend religious freedom and be advocates for human rights and dignity.
Where Is the Church?
Is the Church found in chapels? Temples? Homes? Only if it is first in the hearts of its members. "The kingdom of God is within you."
Make God and His Kingdom the Center of Your Life
As we increasingly love God and His kingdom and make them our primary focus, we will find that all of the "compartments" of our lives are blessed.
A New Dawn in Nauvoo
Freeman shares the history of the Nauvoo Temple, sharing the Saint's sacrifices to complete it and the events regarding it after they left.
The Challenges of the International Growth of the Church
“The Church may face different challenges now than it did at the time of Peter and Paul, but it still has to deal with converts from different countries with different languages and cultures, all struggling to get closer to their Heavenly Father.”
Out of Obscurity: The Emergence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in “That Vast Empire of Russia”
The emergence of the Church out of obscurity in Russia is shared, along with stories of faithful pioneers who made that possible.
Where Is the Church?
Is the Church found in chapels? Temples? Homes? Only if it is first in the hearts of its members. “The kingdom of God is within you.”
A Wonderful Summer
I have had opportunity this summer to marvel at the time in which we live. I've been especially touched by the dedication of four special Church sites.
“It’s a Two-Way Street”
Tolerance is a two-way street. If we want others to respect our beliefs, we must be willing to afford the same respect and appreciation to theirs.
Our Faith Is Centered on the Living Christ
Our Church, faith, and gospel have Jesus Christ for their foundation. The scriptures and the lives of latter-day prophets testify of Him.
All Hell Is Moved
Satan knows Christ for who He is, and he knows this Church for what it is. When all hell is moved in opposition, stand fast in your testimony of the truth.
Church Is a Cure-all for All Problems
We live in a troubled world, but the gospel has solutions to both temporal and spiritual problems—if we are humble enough to accept them.
That You May Not Be Deceived
It is easy, among so many different voices in the world, to be deceived. But if we are worthy of the Spirit and true to the Church, we won't be led astray.
All of the Lord’s Promises to Be Fulfilled
The Lord's promises for His Church and Kingdom are great, and we are already beginning to see some of them fulfilled.
The Genius of our Church Organization
Some aspects of church organization change as needed, and others are eternal. All, however, are based on the revelation of truth from God to man.
A Latter-day Saint Home
Elder Richards admonishes young members of the Church to make decisions now that will help them create a united Latter-day Saint home.
The LDS Church and Politics
As a leader in both arenas, Ezra Taft Benson offers his perspective on the LDS Church and politics, including its turbulent history and hopeful future.
A Message for the World
Ezra Taft Benson teaches about the Church's unique message for the world, and how that message brings opposition, but also success and happiness.