Finding Direction in Uncertainty
When faced with uncertainty, we can move forward with faith, knowing that God will lead us on our personal paths.
Of Cookies and Judgments
Sister Peggy S. Worthen shares the dangers of being too quick to judge and how the Spirit can help us overcome this habit.
Questions and Answers
Elder Ballard offers timely and loving answers to tough questions about topics such as perfectionism, education, pornography, and the needs of LGBTQ saints.
On the Measurements We Make in Life
C. Shane Reese invites us all to be more fair in our measurements of ourselves and a little more patient in our measurements of others.
What’s in a Name?
Names have significance and by taking Christ’s name upon us, we seek to become like Him. Name-calling and labeling should be avoided.
The Courage to Choose Wisely
We need courage to choose wisely in the certainties and uncertainties of life. Make decisions and seek the Lord’s confirmation.
Building Your Future
Earl M. Woolley advocates building your future by learning from experiences, seeking information, and developing positive character traits.
Have No Regrets
Richard G. Scott uses object lessons to illustrate the principles of trust and discernment. He admonishes listeners to live with no regrets.
Judge Not and Judging
There are some types of judgement we must never pass, and some we must pass. Dallin H. Oaks offers principles for making righteous judgements.
“Simon, I Have Somewhat to Say unto Thee”: Judgment and Condemnation in the Parables of Jesus
Christ's parables taught about sin and forgiveness. Those who judge or condemn others for their sins have their own sins recalled to them.
The Weightier Matters of the Law
We are sometimes so caught up in unimportant things that we omit the weightier matters of the gospel: righteous judgment, mercy, and faith.
Borne upon Eagles’ Wings
Through repentance, we can escape the bondage of sin and be borne on eagles' wings to eternal freedom and gain mercy from the Lord.
Without Prejudice, Without Bigotry
A grateful as we are for the gospel, let us never fall into the trap of bigotry and prejudice that would tempt us to think we are better than others.
The World Is Waiting to Test You
This life is a rigorous test; don't expect it to be easy, but remember that you write the book out of which you will be judged. Write well.