“These Foolish Things”
Faith in Christ and miracles may seem foolish, but being “fools for Christ” shows that the impossible becomes possible through His Atonement.
Becoming the Sine Qua Non
C. Shane Reese encourages graduates to become the sine qua non in others' lives—meaning without which, things would not be possible.
The Tree, the Fruit, and the Building
From the symbols in Lehi's dream, we learn that sometimes we must stand alone in faith and Godly truth, even when it is not cool or popular.
Dare to Be Different: Preserving the Distinctive Light of Religious Universities
While many universities are known for their academic achievements, BYU must strive to be different with both an academic and spiritual focus.
Preparing for Life’s Unexpected Storms
Peggy S. Worthen reminds us not only that we must prepare for life's unexpected storms but also that we are not alone when facing them.
Faith and Courage to Move Forward
Peggy S. Worthen reminds listeners that faith and courage are intimately connected. When faith flourishes, so does the courage to progress.
Why Mountains?
While hiking the Grand Tetons, Michael Dunn learned how climbing mountains—both literal and metaphorical—helps us develop strength, courage, and faith.
“Nevertheless I Went Forth”
Be confident that the Savior will fulfill His promise to lead you to an abundant life, even when the immediate path sometimes seems uncertain.
Healing = Courage + Action + Grace
The healing process can be painful and difficult, but having courage to act and Christ’s grace makes it possible.
The Courage to Choose Wisely
We need courage to choose wisely in the certainties and uncertainties of life. Make decisions and seek the Lord’s confirmation.
Ships Are Safe in the Harbor
Ships are safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. Don’t be afraid to leave your safe harbor for the open waves of your future.
A Brave Generation
Elder Gonzalez tells of three areas in which the present generation will need to exercise bravery and courage.
“Fresh Courage Take”
We can find courage in our trials by remembering there is a purpose to it all.
“Be Strong and of a Good Courage”
In our journey to be strong and of good courage, the Lord has given us the Gospel as our aide. Safety comes from staying on the Lord's path.
Our Opportunities for Service
Recognizing the divinity in each of our brothers and sisters helps us to see opportunities for service in our relationships.
Be Ye Men and Women of Valour
The Lord needs men and women of valour to step up through integrity, courage, and perseverance, to prepare the world for Him.
The Dangers of Extremism, Fanaticism, and Skepticism
Donald Q. Cannon teaches that we need to balance study and faith, and that all virtues can become vices in the realm of extremism.
The Faith, Strength, and Service of Youth
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Baccalaureate Address
Like Paul, you graduates have been taught well. Now, like Paul, you have a choice—will you be "not ashamed of the gospel of Christ"?
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Be Secure in the Gospel
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