We all need connections. When we center our connections on covenants with Jesus Christ, we and others will be strengthened.
The Entire Church Shall Take Hold of Christ
To take hold of Christ, we must overcome fear, form relationships, listen to others, use our gifts for good, protect children, and trust God.
Jesus Christ, the Greatest Influencer in Your Life
We all have people who influence us through their actions. Let's strive to emulate Jesus Christ, who is the greatest influencer in our lives.
Our Own Best Story
We can create our our best story by focusing on spiritual identity and relationships instead of focusing on our external environments.
Preserving Our Relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
Heavenly Father gives us many evidences of how He preserves His relationship with us while asking us what we can do to put Him first.
Why Our Bodies Matter in a Digital World
Amy Petersen Jensen shares examples of why our bodies matter in a digital world, citing from both personal and professional experiences.
Questions and Answers
Elder Ballard offers timely and loving answers to tough questions about topics such as perfectionism, education, pornography, and the needs of LGBTQ saints.
“To Me He Doth Not Stink”: Advocacy and Love
We are all called to be advocates. Jesus Christ, our Advocate, teaches us how to represent causes and people with love and wisdom.
Stand Up Straight, Smile, and Remember Who You Are
What do a failed exam, a cut up degree, historical documents, and a screensaver have in common? A vision of ourselves and of BYU to remember and believe in.
Life Connected
When we make connections between different aspects of living, we see the big picture, and we find unexpected opportunities to do good.
Getting and Staying Connected
L. Whitney Clayton counsels BYU graduates to seek the blessings of staying connected to their families, to their BYU associates, and to God.
“Yea, They May Forget, Yet Will I Not Forget Thee”
The Lord has promised that, even when we feel most lost and alone, even when those closest to us have forgotten us, He is aware of us.
“Therefore Ye Are No More Strangers and Foreigners”
As we learn to truly respect and love others for their cultural differences, we will see miracles in their lives and ours.
Learning Eternal Truths Through Our Relationships with Others
Rae Jeanne Memmott shares her own experiences and those of her students to show that eternal truths are taught as we develop relationships with others.
A Gospel of Relationships
It is important to build loving relationships, with all the real and complex elements of love, instead of competing with or judging others.
Empathy and the Pure Love of Christ
Christ taught the pure doctrine to "love thy neighbour as thyself." We do this by enhancing our ability to empathize with others.
Change: It’s Always a Possibility!
Change is an inevitable and sometimes difficult part of life. We can get the power to change, or to cope with it, from the Savior.
The Tie That Binds
Many aspects of our lives and the gospel include the role of relationships, both in how things are related and in human relationships.
Lessons That Have Helped Me
Although everyone on earth has a different experience, the lessons that have helped people lead a good life are universal.
“Taking Sweet Counsel”
To improve our eternal relationships, we must take sweet counsel from the Lord in prayer and with others in councils.
The Streams of Your Life
Our life is like a stream—we have been fed by many other streams that have influenced us. Are you heading toward flowing into the fountain of living water?
Little Things Count
Every little thing we do culminates into big things. Our temporal and spiritual decisions will impact eternity.
The Gospel and Romantic Love
Romantic love is pure, sacred, and central to the gospel. It is because of, not in spite of, that fact that we must treat it carefully.
Ten Keys to Successful Dating and Marriage Relationships
Marriage is key for our exaltation, but successful marriages do not come without hard work. Elder Pinnock offers ten suggestions for happier marriages.