The Power of Positivity
We must be intentional in seeking to be positive. We can harness that power as we seek for the good in our lives and turn our hearts to God.
Choose to Be Humble
President Worthen teaches us that by choosing to be humble, we can enhance our spiritual and secular lives.
“Yes, and . . .”: The Creative Art of Living
By recounting her late husband's legacy, Lisa Valentine Clark teaches the importance of saying "yes, and . . . " in the creative art of living.
The Y on the Mountain
The meaning of life events will be determined not so much by the events themselves, but on how we choose to view and respond to them.
“The Lord Looketh on the Heart”
We should assess our spiritual hearts to ensure that they are pure, soft, grateful, and obedient. We should be of one heart with others.
“True Doctrine, Understood, Changes Attitudes and Behavior”
Studying the scriptures daily, listening to the words of Christ, and driving darkness from our lives are ways to understand true doctrine.
Shall I Laugh or Shall I Cry?
Embracing humor and optimism can help keep daily challenges and struggles in perspective. The choice to laugh can enhance the quality of your life.
Optimism and Joy in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Optimism is made up of remembering that righteousness doesn’t mean perfection, continuing to try, focusing on God, and looking for the joy.
Stepping-Stones and Stumbling Blocks
Steven E. Snow speaks of the stepping stones and stumbling blocks in life and how we can either take advantage of them or fall over them.
The World at Our Doorstep
As BYU students make campus our world, we learn more about the world waiting at our doorstep and develop our character accordingly.
“Be of Good Cheer”
We can acknowledge our challenging times, but also "be of good cheer" knowing that all will work out if we rely on the Lord in this exciting journey.
Carry On!
Good and bad are part of life. We can carry on by being instruments in the Lord’s hands and drawing strength from hymns.
Appropriate Zeal
Zeal in a worthy cause is admirable, but becoming overzealous in any one area can damage relationships and inhibit personal balance.
Zoram and I: Getting Our Stories Straight
Faith in Jesus Christ has the power to help us get our stories straight, and I pray that, like Zoram, we will see that our life’s circumstances are often the very conditions in which God has chosen to bless us as He helps us work out our lives.
These Are the Times
Bishop H. David Burton looks forward to a new year, with its challenges and opportunities. These are the times to take advantage of the many gifts we have.
Be Still, and Know God
Instead of stressing or blaming, sometimes it is best to “be still,” become humble, and put your trust in God, believing that all is well.
Using Spiritual Maps to Navigate Through Life
Mary Anne Prater shows how spiritual maps help us navigate life, and also how we can relate the counsel given to Emma Smith to ourselves.
Treasure the Day
Rather than wishing the days by, waiting for some future moment of happiness, we can choose to treasure today - every day.
The Wind Beneath Your Wings
At times we will go through trials and need to be lifted up. Control, attitude, and faith in God's power will create wind beneath our wings.
Prepare Today for Tomorrow
For you to see the Lord's plan for your life, you will need to prepare today to develop tomorrow's necessary social, practical, and spiritual skills.
Inertia, Entropy, and Good Cheer
The physical principles of inertia and entropy are strikingly relevant to our spiritual lives, as is the admonition to "be of good cheer."
The Lord Is at the Helm
Though the world is often cynical, negative, and hopeless, because of the faith we have in Jesus Christ we can have optimism and seek the positive.
An Anchor to the Souls of Men
As followers of Jesus Christ, we have every reason to rejoice with hope despite the despair and discouragement that surrounds us.
Selective Attitudes and the Happy Life
We all face adversity. However, we can choose selective attitudes of positivity, gratitude, and faith that will make life happy.
Never Give Up!
When school, the weather, or life in general leaves you in a state of the "blahs," reach up. Reach out. Learn. And never, never give up.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Amidst political, economic, and educational challenges, don’t be a "pickle sucker." Be positive, focus on the good, and "let not your heart be troubled."
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”
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The Story of My Life
Thomas L. Martin humorously describes the main events of his life and highlights how the hand of the Lord worked to help him reach all his righteous goals.