My “Why” Is My Love for the Savior
Connecting all we do to our love for the Savior and basing our “why” in that love will help us understand what it means to be His disciple.
Becoming God’s Peculiar Treasure
We become God’s peculiar treasure by obeying His voice and keeping His covenants, including those in the temple endowment and marriage.
“Choose You This Day”—“Think Celestial”
We can choose to think celestial every day by praying, reading the scriptures, and serving others, even if we have made mistakes in the past.
Fear Not and Return with Honor
We must follow Christ by exercising faith and keeping an eternal perspective to fulfill life’s mission and return with honor to our Father in Heaven.
The First Commandment First
We must remember to keep the first commandment first by making sure our relationship with God is central to our life.
Children of Heavenly Father
In a world that emphasizes identity, remember that above all else we are children of Heavenly Father. This is the most important group to identify with.
Those Things of Greatest Worth
We must not forget obedience to God's commandments in our continued quest for knowledge. The ten commandments are as relevant today as ever.
The Simpleness of the Way
We obtain the guidance of the Holy Spirit by praying, learning the gospel, living righteously, and serving in the Church.
The Two Guiding Lights
Two gospel principles act as two guiding lights to help us reach eternal life: love for God and love for our fellow man. These two will guide us home.
Living on the Lord’s Side of the Line
Choose to keep God's commandments and stay out of Satan's territory. We are promised safety and peace on the Lord's side of the line.
“To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice”
In a world where morality is changing, the truths and commandments of God are unchanging. We must always keep God's commandments.
Keep the Commandments—Beginning Right Now!
Now is the time to determine to keep the commandments of God. Now is the time to repent, to create faithful families, and to fulfill our purpose.
Keep His Commandments
Adney Y. Komatsu shares personal experiences related to keeping the commandments of the Lord and blessings associated with them.
“Is It Worth It?”
As we face the challenges of living the gospel, we may often ask ourselves, "Is it worth it?" The blessings of eternal life ARE worth it.
The Sacred Way to Eternal Life Is to Love God First
The way to the kingdom of God is to love God first. We must love and serve Him above money, appetites, and other temporary priorities.
The Ten Commandments of a Peculiar People
We have been called by a God to be a "peculiar people," and therefore we ought to have high standards. Here are ten commandments we should be following.
The Blessing of Commandments
Keeping the commandments means more than following certain rules. We must learn how to repent, accept challenges from God's servants, and give our best.
Making Your Calling and Election Sure
Making our calling and election "sure" is about securing the blessings we have been promised by keeping our covenants with God.
Things That Matter
As the writer of Ecclesiastes expressed, keeping the commandments of God is our "the whole duty." Other things will pass, so keep in mind those that matter.
Tickling the Tiger
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A Formula for Laying up Treasures
Every action has a consequence, so no work is truly unrewarded. Sterling W. Sill offers a formula to help us as we work for the treasures of heaven.
Live True to Our Covenants and Obligations
As members of the Church, we have a responsibility to live according to our covenants and obligations so that we can receive the blessings God has promised us.
We Can Have Self Control
The scriptural story of Sampson teaches us that when we lose self-control and try to create our own rules, the consequences can be devastating.
Our Guiding Compass
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The Ten Commandments and You
Cecil DeMille, producer of the film The Ten Commandments, delivers a call to BYU graduates to let the laws of God empower their lives.
America, a Land of Promise
The Lord has preserved these American continents as a land of promise. We ought to have a special gratitude and responsibility for our part in this land.
The Letter Killeth, but the Spirit Giveth Life
Living the gospel is about so much more than checking boxes. Keep your spirituality strong by focusing on the spirit, rather than the letter, of the law.