Finding Peace Amidst Uncertainty
Our covenant relationships with God help us feel peace through the earthquakes of life. We can feel His love even when facing uncertainty.
Uniting to Establish a Culture of Peace
Through the examples of leaders such as Philosopher Saint Shri Dnyaneshwara and Joseph Smith, we learn that all humankind must be united.
Our Path to Lasting Personal Peace
Christ's Atonement purifies, enables, assures, comforts, and exalts us on our path to lasting personal peace.
Our Covenant Relationship with God: A Wellspring of Relief
Kristin M. Yee shares five thoughts about how Christ brings relief into our lives through our covenant relationship with God.
Christ’s Peace in Perilous Times
Elder Clark G. Gilbert explains how we can draw strength from our Savior and find Christ’s peace in perilous times.
Thoughts of Peace in Times of Need
Patricia T. Holland shares some inspired “thoughts of peace in times of need” and bears witness that our Father in Heaven loves us.
“To Be Spiritually Minded Is Life and Peace”
Elder José A. Teixeira teaches ways we can choose to be spiritually minded which leads to "life and peace" as well as hope.
Racism and Other Challenges
Dallin H. Oaks discusses racism and other challenges. We shouldn't “open a quarrel between the past and the present” to improve the future.
“That They Might Have Joy”
Elder David A. Bednar reminds us that if we turn to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we can find peace. They were given "that we might have joy."
Where Do We Go from Here? Chaos or Community
Dr. Clayborne Carson, Stanford University Historian, shares some personal insights from the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Peace I Leave with You”
Through Christ's peace, we can find courage and confidence in adversity. His peace doesn't remove trials, but helps us carry on.
To Have Peace and Happiness
Why is marriage important? Elder Scott testifies of the blessings of marriage and temple covenants through interviewing a young couple.
Finding Sanctuary
We can find personal sanctuary in counseling with the Lord, in our church meetings, in the temple, and in our relationships with others.
Peace on Earth—Some Restrictions Apply
Christ has known political turmoil, injustice, hardheartedness, and loss—and yet He is the Prince of Peace. He can give us peace on earth.
Perspective, Purpose, Peace
At commencement, graduates are asked to consider their perspective, their purpose, and the need for peace in the world.
A Joyful Heart
God wants us to have joy in this world and the next. The Savior’s Atonement is the greatest ingredient in finding joy.
“Peace Like a River”
The restoration of the gospel is about hope. Heidi S. Swinton speaks of the restoration and how its message should bring "peace like a river" to our souls.
The Lord’s Plan for Peace
In this address, Ben B. Banks speaks about the Lord's plan for peace. We are promised a lasting peace in our hearts if we will be willing to let Christ in.
Hope for Peace
Just hours after the 9/11 attacks, President Bateman offers a message about the hope and peace that come from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reflections of Peace
Arun Ghandi, the Mahatma's grandson, shares personal reflections on lessons learned from his grandfather about peace, anger, and nonviolence.
Sharing Sacred Space in the Holy Land
The Holy Land has been a contested place for many, many years. Emmett shares specific events throughout history of this complex conflict.
The Prince of Peace: “Peace I Give unto You”
When tragedy strikes, turn to God in faith—and to the people He has placed in your life. Through trust, service, and love, you will find lasting peace.
The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom
Achieving perfection is a lifelong endeavor, and to prevail we must be patient with ourselves, trust God, and give of ourselves.
Peace and Happiness
We all long to feel peace and happiness in this life. Elder Franklin D. Richards offers spiritual and temporal suggestions to achieve those blessings.
Jerusalem’s Formula for Peace
Hugh Nibley speaks about the history and theology surrounding the highly coveted city of Jerusalem and the hope for peace there one day.
The Price of Peace
Marion G. Romney shares that though the world is far from the ideal of peace, we can trust the promise of peace in Christ's millennial reign.
Raising the World to a Higher Plane of Morality
The morality of the world can be no greater than the goodness of its individuals. Use knowledge and God's guidance to make the world better.