Educating Our Righteous Desires
Educating our righteous desires involves aligning our efforts with God’s desires, receiving God’s gifts and grace, and keeping our covenants.
The Importance of Being Present
Jared T. Blanchard, speaks on how being present will allow us to avoid distraction and maximize our potential instead of focusing on regrets or worries.
Of Starfish and Destinies
Our thoughts determine our destinies. We must keep our thoughts clean and pure so that over time they lead us to eternal life.
Cultivating the Art of Reflection
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Thinking Habits and Dispositions
Our thinking habits and dispositions relate directly to our character; becoming aware of our thoughts gives us power to manage our habits.
The Thoughts of Our Hearts or Why Do We Do What We Do?
The reasons behind our choices matter. And each of us individually is in charge of determining what those reasons are. May we all have the courage to allow the love of God to govern the thoughts and desires of our hearts and embark upon the path of spiritual rebirth that makes it possible.
Are You an Athenian or Visigoth?
The text for this speech is unavailable. Please see our FAQ page for more information.
“Watching It Rain”
David M. Randall invites us to "watch it rain," or in other words, use artwork as a means of envisioning the Savior and resisting temptation.
Keeping an Open Mind about Things that Matter
When we judge too soon, we hurt others and we miss out on great opportunities. Especially when meeting other people, it is important to keep an open mind.
Be Renewed in the Spirit of your Mind
We can't fight our external battles by waging internal wars. Our mind must be continually renewed by positive thinking—we must be our own best friend.
The Desires of Our Hearts
Unlike those of man, the laws of God are concerned with more than our actions; we must school our motivations, thoughts, and desires.
Memory and You
Memory has power to influence your mood, your view of the world, your testimony and scriptural understanding, and your personal connections.
Let Us Think Straight
Future world and Church leaders must learn early to weigh decisions, use common sense, and invest in the future - in other words, to think straight.
“Purify Your Thoughts”
Just as we must purify polluted water before use, to be receptive of the Spirit we must constantly purify our thoughts from the filth of the world.
Think on Christ
Our characters are defined by our thoughts, which become actions, then habits. "What would Jesus do?" is a thought that can safely guide us home.
A Creative Mind
If you can cultivate a creative mind in setting and working toward worthy goals, your horizons will expand and your amazing potential will be within reach.
Walk in Beauty
George P. Lee encourages us to, as the Navajo saying admonishes, "walk in beauty." Such beauty comes from within—from kind, uplifting, righteous thoughts.
Prophecies, Visions, and Dreams
Prophecies, visions, and dreams may take different forms for you. Take time for teaching the gospel, for contemplation, and for chasing worthy dreams.
Thoughts about Thoughts
I've been intrigued for many years by the compelling power of thoughts. We can learn to avoid negative thoughts and invite constructive thinking.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Amidst political, economic, and educational challenges, don’t be a "pickle sucker." Be positive, focus on the good, and "let not your heart be troubled."