The Costly Arc of Religious Freedom
We can be in both the spheres of academics and religion, but by keeping these separate, we lose aspects of religious freedom in the public sphere.
Free to Choose
Elder Rasband teaches about the the gift of agency. We are free to choose joy, to choose how we worship, and to choose to follow Jesus Christ.
Religious Freedom—A Cherished Heritage to Defend
Religious freedom is crucial for our nation. By being informed, speaking up, and getting involved, we can preserve religious freedom for everyone of faith.
Free to Choose Liberty or Captivity
With our agency, we can choose to follow the Savior and experience joy and liberty or to follow Satan and experience misery and captivity.
Why the Civil War Still Matters Today
Civil War historian James McPherson details pivotal historic events that show how and why the Civil War still matters today.
A Child Is Born
This Christmas, contemplate what it means that "a child is born" who is your Savior. How can you live to bear witness of His role in your life?
“Abide Ye in the Liberty Wherewith Ye Are Made Free”
Spiritual liberty comes through the great and last sacrifice of Christ. We abide in liberty by repenting and keeping our covenants.
Provo 1992 Freedom Festival Fireside
We cannot abandon religious freedom, including the influence of religious morality, without jeopardizing the ideals upon with this country was founded.
Free Agency and Freedom
God's plan includes agency, the freedom to choose. That cannot be taken away, but our freedom, or ability to act on our choices, can.
Truth and Liberty
The Constitution was written through divine inspiration. We are blessed by our freedoms and are responsible for ensuring liberty continues.
“Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty”
Liberty comes from following Christ and must be defended, not only on wartorn battlefields, but in our everyday actions against the evils of the world.
America 1776–1976
President Wilkinson compares the values of the founding fathers with the changing cultural values of America in the 20th century.
Freedom and Personal Liberty
We are privileged to enjoy freedom in a country where many have sacrificed for it. Let us use our freedom to choose good over evil.
Christianity—Repression or Liberation?
True Christianity is the companion of liberty, not an instrument of oppression. Christ can give you true freedom from sin, futility, and fear.
Moral Free Agency
Daniel H. Ludlow outlines the conditions necessary for our moral free agency to be effective. In our lives and our country, we must preserve this freedom.
The Land Choice Above All
God has given us this land, America, as a land choice above all. But its greatness lies in the degree to which we give of our blessings to the world.
Borne upon Eagles’ Wings
Through repentance, we can escape the bondage of sin and be borne on eagles' wings to eternal freedom and gain mercy from the Lord.
People—World Celebration in Iran
Ezra Taft Benson shares the amazing experience of participating in the celebration in Iran of Persia's founding 2500 years ago by Cyrus.
Patriotism Is of God
The founding of America was made a possibility by divine direction from above. May we proudly remember that patriotism is of God.
The American Challenge
The American challenge today is to win back and defend morality, freedom from excessive government control, and patriotism.
An Eternal Quest—Freedom of the Mind
Many today are seeking greater freedom, especially freedom of thought. Be grateful for your freedom of the mind, and use it well.
Our Immediate Responsibility
No matter how appealing the modern movements toward socialism and communism are, we must defend freedom, which is essential in God's plan.
A Race Against Time
The war against Communism is a serious one, because it entails a fight for the freedom that is so essential in God's plan.
What Is True Freedom?
We are blessed to live in a free land. But is true freedom the ability to do whatever you darn well please? No. True freedom cannot come without morality.
Protecting Political Freedom
As the central government's power ever increases, we must protect our political freedom and show that we will take a stand as members of the Church.