Six Things I Believe
There are six important things we can believe to help us develop our divine potential and complete our unique missions.
Preserving Our Relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
Heavenly Father gives us many evidences of how He preserves His relationship with us while asking us what we can do to put Him first.
The Love and Laws of God
The love and laws of God are inseparably connected. God's laws may not be popular in today's world, but they have been given for a reason.
For God So Loved You
God is the creator of the universe, but He is also our Father. He knows us, loves us, and desires to help us individually.
“I Know That He Loveth His Children . . .”
Understanding that God "loveth His children" can help us build a better relationship and recognize His tender mercies in our lives.
“Yea, They May Forget, Yet Will I Not Forget Thee”
The Lord has promised that, even when we feel most lost and alone, even when those closest to us have forgotten us, He is aware of us.
To Know Thee, the Only True God
What is our relationship with God? Christoffel Golden Jr. teaches about the doctrine that explains our relationship with God.
Earnest Prayer
Marilyn W. Berrett teaches that through earnest prayer we can access the powers of heaven and commune with our Heavenly Father.
God Loves You
If you watch for and learn how God loves you, you'll have the opportunity to have experiences like Rollin H. Hotchkiss and gain a similar testimony.
Hotel Rwanda: A Story Yet to Be Told
Paul Rusesabagina retells the dramatic story made famous by the film Hotel Rwanda. He explains how God brought people to him to keep safe.
The Nature and Character of God
Andrew C. Skinner teaches about God's nature and character. Heavenly Father does all things out of love and what is eternally best for His children.
God’s Love
While God’s love for us is perfect, our love for Him is constantly being redefined as we learn to love ourselves and others as He does.
A Place Within His Heart
Our self-worth does not come from appearances, accomplishments, or the opinions of others, but from the infinite love of God.
Make God and His Kingdom the Center of Your Life
As we increasingly love God and His kingdom and make them our primary focus, we will find that all of the "compartments" of our lives are blessed.
A Return to Full Belief in God
George P. Lee calls for an individual and worldwide return to full belief in God and His gospel, as opposed to half-believing and counterfeit faith.
This Is Life Eternal
The scriptures teach that the key to life eternal is to know God and His Son. What pride, fear, or sin is stopping us from truly coming to know Him?
The Sacred Way to Eternal Life Is to Love God First
The way to the kingdom of God is to love God first. We must love and serve Him above money, appetites, and other temporary priorities.
Call upon God
The Christian message is powered by words. When we call upon God, we need not only the right words, but the right heart to be effective.
The Lord God of Joseph Smith
The God of Joseph Smith's time is not absent. We can come to know Him, His revelations, and His miracles, just as the Prophet did.
A Profitable Homecoming
When we return to meet our Heavenly Father, we want it to be a profitable homecoming. We can prepare now by living in accordance with the gospel.
Man is God’s Greatest Creation
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God Our Father: His Gospel Plan
Anchor your faith in deity—God who loves, leads and guides His children. As we seek to find Him, He will reward us with innumerable blessings.
The Origin of Man
Regarding the origin of man, we must remember that we are the offspring of God, and He has created us just as He created our first parents: in His image.