Journey to a Land of Promise—Obtaining Charity
The Book of Mormon is a textbook for our lives. By likening Nephi's story to ourselves we can come to know Christ and develop charity.
Our Own Best Story
We can create our our best story by focusing on spiritual identity and relationships instead of focusing on our external environments.
The Aims of a BYU Education
BYU offers education paired with spiritual experience, which enables—and obligates—us to love and serve those around us.
The First Commandment First
We must remember to keep the first commandment first by making sure our relationship with God is central to our life.
The Science of the Beloved Community
Forum address delivered by American journalist and science correspondent, Shankar Vedantam, centered on how to build a beloved community.
The Need for a Mass Coming Together of Poor People and People of Faith in This Moment of Crisis
An acclaimed advocate of the poor shares his vision for taking care of the needy.
“Yes, and . . .”: The Creative Art of Living
By recounting her late husband's legacy, Lisa Valentine Clark teaches the importance of saying "yes, and . . . " in the creative art of living.
Loving Our Neighbors
The story of the good Samaritan teaches why loving our neighbors—the ones who are in proximity—should be a primary focus in our lives.
Seeing the Divinity in Others
Knowing that everyone is a child of God influences our behavior. By seeing the divinity in others, we behave as disciples of Christ.
“To Me He Doth Not Stink”: Advocacy and Love
We are all called to be advocates. Jesus Christ, our Advocate, teaches us how to represent causes and people with love and wisdom.
Pure Religion
Pure religion is about helping, serving, and caring for others. Practicing pure religion brings happiness as we reach out to our brothers and sisters.
Lost and Found
God loves each of his children and, through charitable service, we can help find each of His lost sheep and bring them back to the fold.
The Most Important Three Things in the World
Faith, hope, and charity are like a three-legged stool, each equally important to support us in our journey to draw closer to Jesus Christ.
Why Giving Matters
Arthur C. Brooks explains why charitable giving is more than just a good idea; science and faith agree that it makes us better and happier.
Love of the Savior
As we embody a spirit of love, we find increased happiness and joy in our individual lives. Love can strengthen our families and friendships.
Bless the Poor and Needy
There should be no doubt that we have a responsibility to give of our abundance and help the poor and needy. Education is one way to do so.
On Knowing and Caring
Knowledge deepens our charity, which, in turn, deepens our knowledge. The relationship between the two is crucial to a true education.
“Anywhere”—The Power of the One
Many people are lost, willing to go anywhere life takes them, but never forget the power that one person can have on another's life.
Charity in the Community of Saints
We should strive to be filled with more love and charity toward one another in our homes, our classes, and our communities.
Gifts of the Spirit
There are many gifts of the spirit. To qualify for their blessings, we must each strive to gain wisdom and live worthy of the Holy Ghost.
Charity: How We Treat Each Other
Small acts of charity can make a big difference in the lives of others. When we exhibit charity, we are doing the extraordinary.
The Bond of Charity
The text for my address this morning, "The Bond of Charity," comes from the 88th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, the 125th verse: And above all things clothe yourselves with a bond of charity as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace. I selected this topic because "The Bond of Charity" was the theme for the Annual University Conference this past year, a theme the…
“A Love of God and of All Men”
With Southeast Asian refugees as beautiful examples, Elder Hanks shares what it means to truly love our neighbor by feeding the body, mind, and soul.
“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”
The fruits of a Christlike life are loving, serving, and giving. May we all strive to better emulate Him this Christmas season.
“Charity Never Faileth”
As a Church, we ought to have charity, which is the pure love of Christ, reflected in every word, act, and deed, setting a true example for the world.
Forget Yourself
People are happier when they lose themselves in the service of others. Forget yourself and reach out. You will be happier when you do.