A House of Glory
The temple can change our lives. As we honor it and sacrifice for it, we will come to know Christ and receive his power.
Giving All Our Heart to Christ
Our covenants to God are connected to our hearts. We can give all our heart to Him as we go to the temple and wear His name.
Great Temples of Learning on Temple Hill
Through understanding the genetics of oats and quinoa, we learn the importance of light and truth, both secular and spiritual.
Stronger and Closer Connection to God Through Multiple Covenants
Making multiple covenants with God—baptismal, endowment, and sealing covenants—allows us to develop a stronger and closer connection to Him.
Can You Imagine?
We must be faithful to God's commandments so we can be prepared to imagine that day when we will see our Heavenly Father again.
Meeting Jesus in the House of the Lord
We come closer to Christ by making and keeping covenants in the temple and seeking to love and understand God’s symbols and the holy garment.
No Coincidences
When we accept God’s plan and timing, we can strengthen our connections with others and know there are no coincidences in the work of the Lord.
Comfort in Christ
Life can be uncomfortable, but prayer, service, and temple attendance can help us find true comfort in the Savior.
Endowed with His Power, You Are Ready to Lead
To fulfill our purpose, we must understand our divine potential, keep our covenants to gain covenantal power, and become perfected in Christ.
We Need an Endowment
The endowment we receive from the Lord is not just for the temple but to help and bless us throughout our lives in a troubled world.
Divinely Appointed Responsibilities, Heavenly Blessings
Elder Gary E. Stevenson highlights the heavenly blessings we have received to help us with our divinely appointed responsibilities.
“As Long as the World Shall Stand”
David A. Bednar draws parallels between miracles in 1846 and in 2020. Covenants made in the temple are worth sacrifice and provide strength.
Are You Ready?
Christopher Waddell explains that we must prepare to meet our Heavenly Father. When the time comes, will you be ready?
God Will Use You, God Will Bless You
God will use us to build His kingdom, and He will bless us in ways we cannot comprehend.
A Compensatory Spiritual Power for the Righteous
As evil increases in the world, there are compensatory spiritual gifts—like temple work and the sabbath day—to give power to the righteous.
Lessons from the Savior’s Young Adult Life
We can find direction by following the Savior’s example of learning, growing, waiting on the Lord, and making covenants.
Marriage, Family Law, and the Temple
In a world where family ideals gravitate toward convenience, Elder Hafen reminds us of the order of marriage taught in the Lord's temples.
Making Temple Worship a Pattern in Your Life
Temple worship is a source of protection and promise. In the temple, we do saving work for our dead, seal families together, and invite God into our lives.
Temple Blessings
The blessings of temple ordinances are sacred and eternal, and essential. Prepare now to make and keep temple covenants.
Temples of Learning
After reflecting on the 9/11 tragedy, BYU's president counsels students to treat the university, and their bodies, as temples of learning.
The Dawn of a New Millennium
In the 21st century, the Church will continue to grow. One sign of its progress toward the second coming is the building and use of temples.
Heavenly Powers
The priesthood, the presence of the Holy Ghost, our temple covenants—these are heavenly powers that bless our lives when we live the gospel.
The Key to Our Redemption
The key to our redemption is Christ's Atonement and the temple, along with the saving ordinances performed there for the living and the dead.
Temples Now and in the Future
Spencer W. Kimball, speaking of temples now and in the future, tells of a time when temples will be operating night and day to accomplish the Lord's work.
Elijah’s Mission
God will save our generation by sending Elijah with priesthood sealing keys to connect us with our forefathers and our posterity.
Sealing Power and Salvation
Joseph Fielding Smith is awarded for his work in genealogy. He speaks about the central role of the sealing power in our quest for salvation.
Temples: Avenues to Exaltation
God has restored temples to the earth. The ordinances of exaltation within lead to the redemption of the living and salvation of the dead.
Commitment to Temple Marriage
Commitment to temple marriage begins with dating worthy Saints. As you date, consider the covenants you intend to make and the home you wish to have.
New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage
If we want our marriage to last beyond this life, we must be faithful to the new and everlasting covenant of marriage we've made with our spouse and God.
Building An Eternal Home
An eternal home is one where eternal covenants are made and kept. Strive for a temple marriage, and treasure your spouse and children.
Ye Are the Temple of God
Each of us is a temple of God. Do not leave this university without gaining a testimony of that responsibility and becoming committed to it.